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[ALL] WSAG Evolution V2.5 Option File

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The Stig

triteata said:
And: Can you please make a version of the new option file without the logos and emblems on the kits of the teams in the FA premier league and the Spanish premiera, because I believe a lot of people hate the double logos.

First of all what the hell are you chatting at all mate? kits with no emblems, why the hell would you want to do that, BlueScouse is right that's possibly the worst question/request i've ever seen.

The Stig

R05592 said:
cant wait til v3 bluescouse what arsenal away kit have you got on it beacause i have seen this but i dont know if this is going to be there new one

that kit is really nice mate they should have that as they have had the yellow and black one for a while now and its a little bit boring with just a different sponsor, same goes for man utd there supposed to be keeping the blue kit but with AIG on.

Chuck Morris

aka BlueScouse
R05592 that Arsenal away kit is fake, someone on pesfan has an eye like a hawk and noticed that the creases & folds in the shirt is exactly the same as the Barcelona one.


Registered User
BlueScouse said:
This is quite possibly the worst post i've read in this thread so far. No to all your questions and Kuszczak is in the Poland national team if you want to transfer him to United....

Blue what about my post is it of any help to you? I really like to see Ukraine have badges just like croatia etc.

Thanks alot dude.


Registered User
Hey, I have to say that this is a great option file. I hope you keep updating it with the new kits as they start to come out. Do you know what you intend to do with Juventes yet? I know for accuracy sake to remove them but I can't imagine not having Juve in PES.

Also, I agree with you not putting in the missing world cup teams. The world cup is over and if anyone wants to "relive it", just download Watson's excellent option file. I like how this optionfile concentrates on the clubs. Adding two brazilian clubs is also a nice. Other option files have lower tier European clubs that I never play. Having top clubs from South America will be a nice change from playing the European clubs. Again, fantastic work and keep up the good work.


Registered User
BlueScouse said:
Dunno mate i didn't make the bin/cue version, i think the Roscio only made it for PES5.

would anyone be kind enough to make a bin/cue version of the option file for WE9I please:unsure:


Registered User
ScouseMike said:
First of all what the hell are you chatting at all mate? kits with no emblems, why the hell would you want to do that, BlueScouse is right that's possibly the worst question/request i've ever seen.
Because, when I use kitserver, I have double logos - from the kitserver and from the option file and I need to turn off the logos manualy for every team and this is boring. And I wont just to make a version without and version with the logos, not only a version without ;) But OK, make it how you want, just don't be sad ;)


Trapped In Cabinets
Hey bluescouse. I don't know if this has been posted yet as i've been away for a couple of weeks, but here are the shots of the new Portsmouth away kit. I hope you can include it in version 3.

I will try and find better pictures of the shorts and socks.

And this is the new Home kit, I will edit with better pics when they become available.


Chuck Morris

aka BlueScouse
triteata said:
Because, when I use kitserver, I have double logos - from the kitserver and from the option file and I need to turn off the logos manualy for every team and this is boring. And I wont just to make a version without and version with the logos, not only a version without ;) But OK, make it how you want, just don't be sad ;)

So you want me to turn off the logos because your a lazy bastard and won't fo it yourself, thats basically what your saying. I've got other stuff to worry about than doing this for one person. I didn't make this option file to be compatible with a patch, if you wanna do that then open up the file in the pesfan editor and delete them yourself.

The Stig

BlueScouse said:
R05592 that Arsenal away kit is fake, someone on pesfan has an eye like a hawk and noticed that the creases & folds in the shirt is exactly the same as the Barcelona one.



Registered User
Hey mate thought you might like to add this apperance to your version 3.



HAIR COLOUR/Pattern/18
BOOTS/Adidas Predator/Black/Red


Registered User
BlueScouse said:
So you want me to turn off the logos because your a lazy bastard and won't fo it yourself, thats basically what your saying. I've got other stuff to worry about than doing this for one person. I didn't make this option file to be compatible with a patch, if you wanna do that then open up the file in the pesfan editor and delete them yourself.

Hey BlueScouse are you like blind or something? I don't mean to be rude but it would be nice If you anwered my questions that I posted to you?


Registered User
amazin89 said:
wud it be possible for u not to unlock the training ground pitch cos it is really boing to play on

Why ask stupid questions like this? - I'm not flaming or trying to be offensive in any way... But, I'm just saying, Why do people always ask stupid questions which they already know the answer to? Sorry to people if I sound like a twat but I'm just getting anoyed by people asking silly questions. Before you's ask, just take a few minutes to sit and think about what your asking and try to work out the logic to it, Simple


Registered User
1) dnt start running ur mouth.
2) i'm nt asking u i'm asking the person hu is making the OF.
3) wen i play i put the pitch on random and wen the training ground pitch comes on it annoys me.
4) i ws only wondering it's not a big issue
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