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BAL - How Many Goals In Your First Season?


Registered User
Lads and Ladies,

I know theres a lot of threads on "Become A Legend" but i just wanted to know how many goals everyone has scored in their first season. Im currently in my first with Sunderland and i've scored 2 goals in like 14 games and 2 in the training games.

Im a bit downhearted that this is pretty a shite tally of goals for a supporting striker, so i just wanted to know how you all fared on your first season?

Cheers people,


Gascoigne USA

Registered User
I have played 6 games for Hull so far, and scored 2 goals in training and assisted on a couple, but still cant get on the bench. :(

Callum S

Registered User
Dont worry m8.
In my first season for Espanyol i scored like 6 goals!! lol

Then i transferred to Athletico Madrid and i have scored 12 in the league, 4 in the cup (Top Scorer) and 2 in the Champions League.
As a striker.

So 18 all together with 3 league games left to play in the season. Won the league and cup. Semis in Champo League ;)

You prob know thi but if u dont think u are gettin the ball much, double tap r2 (ps3) wen on the attack to call for ball. ;)


Registered User
lmao, ye i knew about that mate, but never seems to sodding work for me when im in space!! Greedy bleeders lol!!

Tila Sixx

Registered User
0 in my first season, training and AMC
Got 2 in 2 games in the middle of my second season, thats where iv got to..


Registered User
Not doing too bad, signed for middlesbrough and have scored 12 so far with 5 games left. Hopefully sign for a decent team next season, never seem to get a good pass from my team mates, hopefully a better team will supply me with the ammunition to bag a load of goals.


Registered User
I scored 9 in my first, 17 in my second, 10 in my third (very poor season) and currently I have 9 after 17 games so I'm back in form!


Registered User
is everybody playing top player? i cant seem to score at all! Think I had 2 or 3 in my first season with west brom! Granted theyre not the best team, but i'm slow as shit and my shooting is woefull! you could say im a bit of an emile heskey!


Registered User
I'm playing top player, as a central midfielder/attacking midfielder, for Middlesbrough. Scored on my second appearance as a sub, have started the last 3 games without scoring. Usually get 6.5, 7 ratings.


Registered User
playing on top player as amf
scored 1 in 1st season for Portsmouth (32 games)
2nd season playing for Fiorentina scored 7 (38 Games)
Played 8 games for England and scored 1 (in world cup vs Argentina!!)


Registered User
not really sure how i got selected for england, i'm an AMF so not all about goals, i think it goes on your match rating because the first time i got selcted for england was after i had a rating of either 7 or 7.5 in 5 consecutive matches.


Registered User
im into my 4th or 5 th season just about to kick off

i joined man city first took me a long time to get into the team maybe 12 games into the season maybe not that long tho but i could not manage to score at first the camera angle was really messing me up lol

first season for man city player 36 games good few as sub and scored 7 goals

2nd season i scored 13 goals

3rd season we won the champions league and i scored 24 in 44 games

i then got offers from big teams and i went to man united terrible i know lol but i fancied playing in their team played 1 season with them won the league

scored about 17 goals i think and got near 17 or so man of the match awards

one thing helped me a lot was when i changed the camera angle i knew if i put it to normal long id never see the play one which suited me was the wide angle view

ive played the american cup as a sub for argentina my players contry but i havnt had much playing time

when i joined man u i was hoping to have great suppord as a player who playes ss and amf good creativity around me would be good thats why i went to man u first training match i scored then i was in the a team a few games later and scored 3 and set up 1 that got me onto the subs bench


Registered User
i scored 6 goals in 1st season
9 goals in 2nd season
15 goals in 3rd season
15 goals in 4th season
17 goals in 5th season
35 goals in 6th season
and currently 22 goals in 7th season (i hope i scored more than 35 goals >.<)


Registered User
If you don't score much early, don't worry, it will get better:

This is my career on top player:

1.season: 9 goals/2assists
2. 7/1
3. 27/4
4. 14/3
5. 22/4
6. 37/7
7. 62/17
8. 51/9

Usually things get easier after 5-6 seasons, most of my friends experienced this too.