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Battlefield 3 [360/PC/PS3]

Dale C.

Registered User
I am an absolute beast in a tank, not gonna lie.

Also I got my second kill in a jet. Getting there lol.

Dale C.

Registered User
I would have taken you out :smug:

Might be a stupid question, but how much easier is it to use the jets when you unlock the heat seeking missiles? I literally cannot wait to unlock them.

Lörd TH

Registered User
Much easier! The trick is to fire off one missile so that the other jet use their flares and whilst they're waiting for another flare to load you fire your other rocket.


Registered User
I played with members of a local forum. It was amazing.

Played conquest, and we won 6, lost 1.


Registered User
How to use the EOD Bot? I pressed R1 (fire button) and nothing seems to happen when I'm near an enemy soldier. I'm pretty sure you can kill someone using it.

Dale C.

Registered User
Yeah i've witnessed a kill with the EOD bot before. Some engineer was trying to take out a tank, and out of nowhere this bot just stabs him in the ass and kills him :lol:

Dale C.

Registered User
He knows what it's for, he needs to know how to use it.

Try L1? That's what the tanks and heli's use to fire, so maybe it's the same for the EOD bot.


Registered User
Excellent. I know it's kind of stupid, considering the size and beauty of the maps, but I feel there isn't enough of them. An extra map or two will be great. My copy happens to be the Limited Edition as well. Were most of them that, because they all were in my local Tesco, and at normal retail price. €45. ?


The Three Amigos
Currently keeping an eye on some eBay listings for this [X360] that end in the next 5 minutes. Anyone on here still play it?