Lawn Care Service of Cedar Park 100 E Whitestone Blvd Ste 148, #166 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 595-0884
Yes there are two extra content downloads, but I thought they were just the same zus they had the same date and info on them. As I read on this page, there are actually two DLC for pes2011 alrdy??? :O
I've already done it...but some kits don't appear...seria a and la liga logos are in doesn't correct the logos :\
I did all ok...
We should wait for daymos next version I guess
I'll try and upload tonight for you guys.
@the last post..
You have it all wrong
The issue is people have installed all konami updates before my file
If you do the Ireland fix update before any of my files the you will get problems like 1 kit here and a man city kit there
Please listen to me as I'm tired of repeating
To fix
U need to erase the konami updates and start all from scratch
Erase all and load up the game like it's the 1st time
Only dload the 1st konami update
Then once it's working install the last update
By Your file you mean version 1 or 1.1 after update
@the last post..
To fix
U need to erase the konami updates and start all from scratch
Erase all and load up the game like it's the 1st time
Only dload the 1st konami update
Then install my file
Then once it's working install the last update
Starting all from scratch... What files do I need to delete for that?
And can I keep my excisting league/cup files so I can contintue those after installing all OF's and contents?
When I did that with PES2010 and loaded my ML file after, it froze. It prolly had the old en new files mixed up or what ever. It really not combined that well....