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don't know if i should get the game


Registered User
i used to follow the pes/winning eleven developement in the past. i think the psx versions were incredible for the time and plattform they were created. i don't know every version since i lost interest, but if i remember correctly the first two versions on ps2 were ok to me too, even if they didnt improve enough considering they were for a superior plattform.

again i don't remember exactly the versions, their names and problems. but the first title i was really disappointed in might have been called pro evolution 2002 or simply pro evolution 3? i know i enjoyed the japanese winning eleven version pro evolution 3/2002 was based on and was supposed to be improved on.

i think there might be a version released later, i think from 2005 or 2006, that i actually enjoyed, with the new online mode, even if it had things i disagreed with, it was okish.

anyway, as i said i don't remember the exact versions, their names and so on, but regardless i have lost interest the past years completely. i don't think i tried the version from last year, at least i don't remember playing it.

i did however now decide to try 2011 demo version giving the series a chance again. played it for a week or so?

i might buy it, but there's some things i'm skeptical and wonder about. first of all, there's one thing i'm really confused about. i started playing the first couple of matches using barcelona and bayern munchen. i did not like it at all. i did however find the game MUCH more enjoyable using the copa libertadores teams.

i create more chances with ether of the european teams, but i can't play the way i want and the game doesnt behave the way i want. it doesnt feel right. i have difficulties controlling the players. it feels more clumsy. i can't play a possesion game. i still win possesion 65-75% but that's not what i'm talking about. i simply can't play the way i want. the passes are too hard, there's absolutely no fluency whatsoever, the movement is stupid.

it's not a matter of difficulty. if i can't play according to my preferences, then i don't see why i should bother. with chivas or the brazilian team i can link up and create triangles. with barca and bayern, not at all. it just feels like kick and rush with those teams. i have many problems with the game with the libertadores teams as well, but i can tolerate them and the game is still somewhat enjoyable.

i just wonder if anyone else experience and feel the same, and in that case, do you have any ideas why this is? it's not in my head, and it's absolutely not down to formations, since i create them myself.

secondly, i wonder about the online mode. what's the lag like? and overall how does the online mode work? is there a lobby? quick games? as i said i havent experienced the past few versions so i have no idea how it has worked before. simply, is it easy just getting a game and what options are there?


Registered User
Answer to your second Q, online so far for me had been lag free.

Answer to your first Q, i completely dissagree. The full 360 movement is brilliant and definately makes the game more fluid, as does the new passing system. For me at least. At first it was hard to play but a few hours into the game and i was doing better than ever and really enjoying myself


Registered User
You won't have to worry about the problems you came across with Bayern and Barca because those are probably to do with your playing style not being compatible with those teams since you were comfortable with the Libertadores finalists even when faced with issues (those teams have a completely different style and flow than European teams).

Personally I think this is the best Pro period. I got the game a week ago and have to admit up until about 2 days ago I was struggling to come to terms with it because of all the bad habits from Pro 2010 I brought into this game. I was bottom of the league after 12 games in ML for goodness' sake! However once I decided to let go of the sprint button and play at a pace that suits the team I am playing with the game really opened up for me and every move I make now is really considered and it plays a lot like real life in many ways. And now I'm sitting in mid-table mediocrity in ML.

I can't speak for Fifa 10 since I only played the demo but if you want a football game with tremendous depth and one that you will think a lot about when you're not playing then this is probably the game for you. However if you want a game where you can spam cheap tactics to help you win games then this won't be for you.


Registered User
i havent been into fifa and havent followed their eventual progress. i havent been in tune with either fifa or pes the past few years. but maybe i should try the fifa demo as well. but for now the choice is between pes or nothing.

but in the context of time and and plattform, i think it's not even close, iss pro evolution for psx is by far the best version for me.

my biggest problems with the game now is the floating ball, stupid defencive ai, whether i or the ai intercept a ball seem more to randomness than anything else, the randomness of the collisions and that seem more down to stats and script than precision. as well as the somewhat clumsy control (in past versions i didnt have to use r2 to stop the player completely.).

a lot of aspects of the game were more down to precision in the old outdated psx versions. which is disappointing, because it makes the game feel more scripted. even if, of course, it's massively improved when it comes other aspects of the game. just to mention some things from the psx version which are horribly out-dated now, automatic crossing, passing and the biggest bug of all, the automatic one-twos which were completely unbalanced. i miss the faked shots of the psx version though.


Registered User
Only get this game if u can either get it second hand or u are that desperate.

This games alright but I consider it average. If if wasn't for gamerpoints I'd loose interest in most of it. Only good thing is masterleague imo.

If ur gona get other games like dead rising, medal of hon, call of duty etc then don't prioritize this above them


Registered User
i used to follow the pes/winning eleven developement in the past. i think the psx versions were incredible for the time and plattform they were created. i don't know every version since i lost interest, but if i remember correctly the first two versions on ps2 were ok to me too, even if they didnt improve enough considering they were for a superior plattform.

again i don't remember exactly the versions, their names and problems. but the first title i was really disappointed in might have been called pro evolution 2002 or simply pro evolution 3? i know i enjoyed the japanese winning eleven version pro evolution 3/2002 was based on and was supposed to be improved on.

i think there might be a version released later, i think from 2005 or 2006, that i actually enjoyed, with the new online mode, even if it had things i disagreed with, it was okish.

anyway, as i said i don't remember the exact versions, their names and so on, but regardless i have lost interest the past years completely. i don't think i tried the version from last year, at least i don't remember playing it.

i did however now decide to try 2011 demo version giving the series a chance again. played it for a week or so?

i might buy it, but there's some things i'm skeptical and wonder about. first of all, there's one thing i'm really confused about. i started playing the first couple of matches using barcelona and bayern munchen. i did not like it at all. i did however find the game MUCH more enjoyable using the copa libertadores teams.

i create more chances with ether of the european teams, but i can't play the way i want and the game doesnt behave the way i want. it doesnt feel right. i have difficulties controlling the players. it feels more clumsy. i can't play a possesion game. i still win possesion 65-75% but that's not what i'm talking about. i simply can't play the way i want. the passes are too hard, there's absolutely no fluency whatsoever, the movement is stupid.

it's not a matter of difficulty. if i can't play according to my preferences, then i don't see why i should bother. with chivas or the brazilian team i can link up and create triangles. with barca and bayern, not at all. it just feels like kick and rush with those teams. i have many problems with the game with the libertadores teams as well, but i can tolerate them and the game is still somewhat enjoyable.

i just wonder if anyone else experience and feel the same, and in that case, do you have any ideas why this is? it's not in my head, and it's absolutely not down to formations, since i create them myself.

secondly, i wonder about the online mode. what's the lag like? and overall how does the online mode work? is there a lobby? quick games? as i said i havent experienced the past few versions so i have no idea how it has worked before. simply, is it easy just getting a game and what options are there?

If I was you, I would not buy the game.

As you said, it has very little to do with difficulty, because it has everything to do with the gameplay concept not being good enough; difficulty is a redundant argument, when the foundation on which it stands is not worth the time and money.

PES11 does not feels right because it is very insubstantial and very automatic, it is aimed at the masses who don't know shit about Football, and thus the masses who can enjoy playing PES11 because they do not actually understand where the game is very poor; and thus, cannot actually be disappointed by something that does not exists as far as they are concerned.

However, for the person who knows about Football and knows how important the movement without the ball is; you are likely to find PES11 very dumb and superficial, and quite simply, not worth the time nor the money.

In PES10 you could manually control the ball carrier, whilst at the same time, also dictate the movement of ONE individual: this was a brialliant hook which keept me playing PES10, I could practically dictate my own script, I decided the passing angles and everything, and it was brilliantly done... because even though you knew what you intended to do, you never really knew how the COM would react and how the play that you have in your mind would actually play out.

The only person, as far as I know, who used such a technique in PES10, is me; a substantial feature which was not aimed at the masses, because it takes practise.

With PES11, Konami eliminated the L2 STRATEGIES and replaced the old off-the-ball movement; the new off-the-ball movement does NOT allows you the freedom of manually controlling the ball carrier, whilst at the same time dictating the movement of another player: PES11 does not allows you the freedom of dictating your own script.

PES11 was marketed as "engineered for freedom" yet the FACT is, that it is a very automatic and restrictive game, insubstantial and superficial in the most important areas, clearly aimed at the masses who know little about Football.

PES10 had more substance, and had a more addictive hook hidden underneath all the rubbish; PES11 on the other hand, is pick up and play, pick up and play, revolving around STATS that work automatically and are dictated by the COM.

As a fellow PES gamer, I am telling you that PES11 is "fun" if you do not understand Football, if you do understand Football and you are looking for a substantial and intricate experience, then you should not buy PES11.

It is that simple. I made the mistake of not listening to certain people, and I bought PES11, a waste of good money, in my opinion.


Registered User
hah. your arguments smell elitism, but i can't deny it, i relate to what you say. i agree that realism should be the aim. but for me, i can still tolerate aspects of the gameplay that arent realistic, as long as there's a product that is balanced, consistent but still open for possibilities and down to precision.

i dont know if i'm just nostalgic (well, the truth is that it wasnt that long ago i was still playing a psx version through an emulator.), but to me, iss pro evolution 2 was not only unlike any football game i've played before, but unlike any sports game i've played as well. it just didnt feel scripted, or as you expressed it, automatic, like every other sports game. there was precision and consistency that i hadnt experienced before. everythign was down to timing. of course it still is, how you handle your controller is still 100% down to timing, that goes for any game there is. but with a lot of things, like dribbling your opponent, i felt there was more control and precision involved how i would make a turn to find some space when dribbling or when recieving a pass. things like the collisions between players werent realistic, but they were consistent and i knew what to expect and defending wasnt a random mess.

again, i know it's out dated now. but i cant help feeling disappointed hwo things have turned out. i remember thinking and speculating back then, if they could create this game on an old shitty psx, what wouldnt they be capable of with superior platforms in the future.


Registered User
copa libertadores is much slow than other league. so, i think u should change the game speed to -2. so other league will feel like copa. i think it more realistic.


Registered User
Only get this game if u can either get it second hand or u are that desperate.

This games alright but I consider it average. If if wasn't for gamerpoints I'd loose interest in most of it. Only good thing is masterleague imo.

If ur gona get other games like dead rising, medal of hon, call of duty etc then don't prioritize this above them

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