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Face input


Registered User
Will we be able to photo ourselves and upload them into the game?

if so, will it just be a flat picture or will it mould in the shape of your face?

also could this be used to put graphics onto shirts etc.

i'll be getting the ps3 version!


Registered User
Would be cool to do that, but personally I'm way too lazy to edit things myself. Except the names of the teams to what they are meant ot be, other than that, I'm too lazy to edit things. Would be a cool feature if you could put your own face in, but it would have to be a very good picture.

catlow _lfc

Registered User
I saw a preview in a ps mag and it showed you could ,it showed a pic of a guy then his uploaded pic,looked good.using a digital camera n not the gay eye toy


Registered User
would be good if we could mold our face. :jester:

Do we still have to use the playstation cameras or can we use our own?


Registered User
You can import JPEG and PNG images from the HDD I believe. About the faces, I'm not sure if it's the same.

catlow _lfc

Registered User
Ye it is ,as i said its in that mag which is an interview with konami,you cant use playstation cam u have to use a digital cam i think.The magazine is called PSM3 bit PSM as I said. It has messi on the front and has the preview inside,the issue is out now.


Registered User
I thought that was going to be a great idea when I heard about the feature in the build up to PES2008. Then when I got the game and tried it I though it looked silly not having the 3D eyes and instead having the image slapped onto a blank model. Looked like some evil animated shop dummy running around ;)


Registered User
I hope it's in and will work properly.
A fun feature would be to also be able to import Ref Faces.


Registered User
we will be able to upload our pictures and use them in the game. dont know the way yet. ps3 versions.