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has anyone seen this balls in pes6


Registered User
The costumes hardly take up much game data. And you're wrong, PES may be a simulator but the game has ALWAYS been quite comical, such as the banners in the crowd..."Who ate all the pies?", "Run boys run!"..Alan Partridge material that. I for one love the humour in the game.

I know what you're saying but:

Alan Partridge banners = Funny
Penguin Suits = :tumble:


Registered User
I played with the ostrich costume the other day and the first few minutes was funny but it soon wore off and it will be the last time I ever use them. But I do like the banners, it's nice to have a bit of humour in the game. I remember on ISS Deluxe for the SNES that you could shoot and knock over cameramen, I liked that so I suppose I like the tradition of the game not taking itself too seriously. But as long as the game plays well I'm not bothered what they do with it.