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Locations of all changable screens


Dirty_Harris Manager
I'm going to patch my WE6:fe and I want to make it as personal as possible. I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I don't think it has. I would like to know (in plain english) when these pieces of music will be played if I insert them:

1. Main Menu Track 1 (BGM_SELECT_SET1.wav): 2:37:848
2. Main Menu Track 2 (BGM_SELECT_SET2.wav): 2:39:360
3. Main Menu Track 3 (BGM_SELECT_SET3.wav): 2:39:248
4. Replay music (BGM_REPLAY.WAV): 26:883
5. Demo Music (BGM_PDEMOS.WAV): 2:40:024
(taken from Patch Guide on

Are the first three for when you can choose which kind of match you want to play i.e National Teams or Club Teams etc? Does the game toggle these radomly?

Replay Music and Demo music are selfexplanatory.

What about the music when the teams enter an arena? I would like to have the Champions League music so I'd like to know. Does the Dynamo patch already have the Champions League music here?

Then there are the background screens when you are sorting out formations etc. Is it possible to change them and if so, how? I'd like to add an English touch to my copy! The original is a little too Italian for my liking! (and I'm half Italian myself!!!) It would be great if someone knows where I can get hold of this info. Or if someone just put it up here!


Mumpleaser (pleasing mothers since 1984)



As far as I know, the champion's league music was for both clubs and national matches so you can't choose. The tune you select will have to be for both.

(China Vs Cameroon to Champion's League opera musicality - Cool!)

Out of the others, one is for the main menu and another is for the pre-match screen where you select formation, camera etc. Don't know which is which.


Dirty_Harris Manager
So which file is for the music when the players run in? Do you mean nr.1 in the list? I need to know how to find it.

I don't mind if it's for Club sides and Internationals (I hardly ever play as England anymore!)

Thanks for your quick reply Zygalski! :)


Registered User
Mumpleaser So which file is for the music when the players run in? Do you mean nr.1 in the list? I need to know how to find it.

AFS-->Enter-->snd--> BGM_NYUUJOU.adx


Dirty_Harris Manager
Cheers mikeom1!

Do you have any idea about the locations of the screens that you can change the background pictures of? What there called etc?

How would I get a picture to be in the right format and size? What program would I need for that?

Cheers again!



Registered User
Do you have any idea about the locations of the screens that you can change the background pictures of? What there called etc?
Which ones do you want to know?

How would I get a picture to be in the right format and size? What program would I need for that?
I use photoshop and fireworks, you can create png's or more commonly bmps. In terms of dimensions the picture is split in 2, one is 512x512 with another 128x512, both 8 bit colour.


Dirty_Harris Manager
I'd like to change all of the backgrounds on all of the static screens. Can this be done?

Thanks for the advice on photoshop and fireworks!

You're a diamond:)


Registered User
AFS-->Title --> Logo.txs (0,1,2) = Logo's at the beginning

AFS-->Title --> Title.txs = Main Title Screen

AFS-->Select --> Select.txs (2,3,4) = Main Menu

AFS-->Select --> Select.txs (5,6) = Select Team

AFS-->Enter --> PreSetup.txs = Pre Game

AFS-->Edit --> Edit.txs (35,36) = Editing/Modification

AFS-->Cup --> CupGallery.txs (2,3) = Cup Gallery

AFS-->Leagcup-->lc_op_af.txs (African Cup) etc etc for all other cups.

That's pretty much all I can know. Other screens are comprised of just a bunch of graphics which can also be edited, but it's a bit of hassle.


Registered User
can some please help medo the same (change the static mode and the moving title screens) for pes5
trying to make my own patch from scratch



Registered User
wade1020 said:
can some please help medo the same (change the static mode and the moving title screens) for pes5
trying to make my own patch from scratch

I'm not home at the moment so i don't know the exact names but i changed a few league logos and a couple of ball pictures the other day and i went through the entire e_text file. It's not very large so just open it using Graphic Studio and look around for the screens. I'm asuming all you have to do then is make your own in the same format and replace the default one. You might have to insert the screenshot which you want in several files, not just one, so even if you find the main menu file, there is bound to be a couple more of the same kind which differ only in resolution.

For instance, when changing the league emblems i had to insert them in about a dozen different files in e_text.


Registered User
need help again made my image. but when i open the image in ggs and swap them.... and check it...... its ok in normal when i click the ps/2 the image is disorted.. anyone know wots wrong


Registered User
wade1020 said:
need help again made my image. but when i open the image in ggs and swap them.... and check it...... its ok in normal when i click the ps/2 the image is disorted.. anyone know wots wrong
I'm assuming you only imported the image on one file alone. I'm also assuming you need to import the image over several files that look alike but are of different resolution. I'm not sure though.

When i imported the real league logos i had to import each image over several different files in which the images differed in resolutions ranging from 64X64, 128X128 and another which i don't recall right now. Maybe you have to do the same with this one.

I also had to do the same when i imported the new teamgeist ball used in the world cup. I had to make a picture in photoshop and then import it over several files in e_text so it would show in the ball menu in-game. I had to do likewise to change it's name.