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Only Reason Why Your Buying Pes2010


Registered User
I am getting it because I know it's gonna be good.:)
I also get it because it's pes.:D And I really enjoy it.

People like you are the reason we never get a decent game!!

Every time I see you post it's always bumming up Konami. You will love any pathetic, half hearted, lazy excuse for a game Konami throw at us and think 'ZOMG, DIZ GAME IZ SOOOO AMAZIN!!'. Your standards are so low, you're Konami's ideal customer.

Seriously man up and stop being their puppet.


Registered User
So what If he's looking foward to a VIDEO GAME why take issue? Does it enhance or take away from your enjoyment of the game? New flash your on a PES website don't be surpised if the occasional guy on here enjoys this game.

*The reason I'm buying it - well its the Official game of LFC :laugh:
Marseille is always represented better in PES games in my opinion.


Registered User
I'm getting Pes 2010 because I can live with any the problems. None major this year please! The master league is the best feature. And you can't beat a 2 player game of Pes for entertainment. Pes feels like football, it sounds like the football, it is football.


Registered User
I'm getting Pes 2010 because I can live with any the problems. None major this year please! The master league is the best feature. And you can't beat a 2 player game of Pes for entertainment. Pes feels like football, it sounds like the football, it is football.

It does sound like it, except from the ridiculous ball kicking sound. Clunk Clunk Clunk.


Registered User
So what If he's looking foward to a VIDEO GAME why take issue? Does it enhance or take away from your enjoyment of the game? New flash your on a PES website don't be surpised if the occasional guy on here enjoys this game.

*The reason I'm buying it - well its the Official game of LFC :laugh:
Marseille is always represented better in PES games in my opinion.

1) Don't know why you put video game in caps?
2) Why would it enhance or take away enjoyment in a game?
3) I know I'm on a PES site. I come on here to discuss PES with the intention of letting Konami know that the past 2-3 years have been unacceptable. It just annoys me so much that this fool can't see how bad the game has become since it's PES6 peak and finds the rubbish they have churned out since an improvement. It also highlights his naivety and implies that he isn't a PES fan in the true sense if he can't see it's downfall.


Registered User
1) Don't know why you put video game in caps?
2) Why would it enhance or take away enjoyment in a game?
3) I know I'm on a PES site. I come on here to discuss PES with the intention of letting Konami know that the past 2-3 years have been unacceptable. It just annoys me so much that this fool can't see how bad the game has become since it's PES6 peak and finds the rubbish they have churned out since an improvement. It also highlights his naivety and implies that he isn't a PES fan in the true sense if he can't see it's downfall.

Video games is in caps because thats what your berating someone for think about that for a second a video game :no:

let me rephrase that who cares if someone is looking forward to the game especially if they are responding the topic at hand?


Registered User
Video games is in caps because thats what your berating someone for think about that for a second a video game :no:

I like playing video games. And when I pay £30-£40 a time for them I want them to be good. Not just the same crap as last year with added freckles and new boots. I want the old PES back and until certain people stop bumming Konami when they are clearly ripping us off we won't get it.


Registered User
I hope they have fixed it. The very idea of playing another human being over the internet is what it is all about.


Registered User
Because of the Become A Legend mode..
And also because it is closest to reality out of the two games..
FIFA, i dont know why but somehow after few hours it is just plain repetitive..
In PES, even if you play months with the same team, every game is different..every game..every goal...


Woo Woo Woo
Master League.

The majority of the player's stats are accurate and if you don't like them, you can edit them quite easily.

The simplicity of the edit mode in general. It's just much quicker and easier to change something you don't like in PES than it is FIFA.

The gameplay, while flawed, is still slightly better and less scripted than FIFA's.

Defending, defending, defending. It just feels right on PES. Sure there's silly bookings and sillier fowls, but the feeling you get when making a last-ditch tackle on PES equals that of scoring a great goal for me.

The majority of goals feel and look different, unlike the ones I usually score in FIFA.

The players, kits, stadiums and presentation in general is top-notch.

It's PES!

This post kinda turned into a "Why I prefer PES to FIFA", but oh wells.


Registered User
I like playing video games. And when I pay £30-£40 a time for them I want them to be good. Not just the same crap as last year with added freckles and new boots. I want the old PES back and until certain people stop bumming Konami when they are clearly ripping us off we won't get it.

well my advice to you is become a developer and apply for a job at Konami


Registered User
Im buying it because PES 2009 didnt give me more than a years gameplay,the ML wasnt as challenging as PES5 or 6.I bought FIFA 10 for £25 and i can see why the online is loved,its just like playing a match offline.PES 2009 online was sticky so i hope theyve solved this!
FIFA 10 MM lacks a lot of the things like player development graphs etc and you have a life expectancy of 15 years.ML on PES is awesome,i dont think FIFA can touch it.I think the players on PES look a lot better.
So am gonna play FIFA online when i want,thats if i can tear myself away from ML!