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Penalty System


Registered User
I apologise if this has been covered before, but i couldn't see it in any thread titles, so here goes...

Firstly, let me just state for the record that I am an ardent fan of PES and have been since the ISS days. I still play it almost every day and have done for years. I am also a big fan of PES 2010 in many ways, especially in comparison to 2009, and consider it to be one of the best editions in recent years.

However..... The new penalty kick system introduced in PES 2010 is the single biggest debacle I have witnessed in all my years of playing soccer games (about 15 years). How anybody thought that cutting to an aerial, side-on view to take the penalty was a good idea is completely beyond me. On top of that, I personally find it pretty much impossible to get my penalties on target if i "aim" anywhere other than straight down the middle, regardless of how good the player taking the penalty is. Shocking.

The old penalty system was not brilliant, but at least i felt like i had a chance. Add to that the unforgivable reluctance of in-game referees to actually award penalties, and you have the icing on the cake.

IMHO this really needs to be sorted in 2011 as for me it often comes close to ruining my experience of the game, which is a real pity. There are not many ways that FIFA outdoes PES, but refereeing and penalties are two key ones for me.


Registered User
I apologise if this has been covered before, but i couldn't see it in any thread titles, so here goes...

Firstly, let me just state for the record that I am an ardent fan of PES and have been since the ISS days. I still play it almost every day and have done for years. I am also a big fan of PES 2010 in many ways, especially in comparison to 2009, and consider it to be one of the best editions in recent years.

However..... The new penalty kick system introduced in PES 2010 is the single biggest debacle I have witnessed in all my years of playing soccer games (about 15 years). How anybody thought that cutting to an aerial, side-on view to take the penalty was a good idea is completely beyond me. On top of that, I personally find it pretty much impossible to get my penalties on target if i "aim" anywhere other than straight down the middle, regardless of how good the player taking the penalty is. Shocking.

The old penalty system was not brilliant, but at least i felt like i had a chance. Add to that the unforgivable reluctance of in-game referees to actually award penalties, and you have the icing on the cake.

IMHO this really needs to be sorted in 2011 as for me it often comes close to ruining my experience of the game, which is a real pity. There are not many ways that FIFA outdoes PES, but refereeing and penalties are two key ones for me.

I agree. The penalty system is absolutely atrocious. Change it back at the very least.


Registered User
If you do get the hang of the new system, you'll find it actually makes quite alot of sense. The camera needs changing back though.


Registered User
I started a new ML last night as i haven't been on Pes for ages and got a penalty in my FIRST game...

I almost forgot about the seriously lenient refereeing in the area but know if i continue with this ML i won't get another one for the rest of the season and probably not the next one either.

As for the system, i only pull back on the stick slightly to keep it low and gently tap the shoot button. I wouldn't dare experiment with choosing a direction during a match, the penalties are way too rare for that.


Registered User
I know thie mentioning of FIFA can cause a stir here, but if you have a look at the penalty system for the latest world cup game, I think most people would agree it's a better take on the system. I'm unsure how the one in PES10 works, but it might actually be the same but with a crappy camera, I dunno.


Registered User
Konami seriously what the f*** where you thinking the penalty system in PES2011 is the worst in any football game ive ever seen.


Registered User
Are they actually awarded this time round or is it still necessary to have a man decapitated in the box in order to win one?


Registered User
Are they actually awarded this time round or is it still necessary to have a man decapitated in the box in order to win one?
I've played a fair few games and not had one.

I have however tried them on Training Mode and the system is diabolical. Bring back the old way of doing it.


Registered User
Really guys! If you take some time to learn the penalty system you'll find it's actually pretty straightforward. I find it much more rewarding than just having to tap a button and hold a direction.

For those having issues keeping it on target try this... Tap square to start your run up, wait for a fraction of a second, hold the d pad left or right for no more than 1 second to pick a side, then push the analogue stick forward slightly (or not) for height. This part is very sensitive. If you pull back on the analogue you can even do a cheeky lob on the keeper. After practising for a few penalties I was putting them exactly where I wanted 9 times out of 10. Once you get it you'll be glad they got rid of the previously, far to simple, penalty system.

I can understand the camera angle complaints, but it doesn't really bother me personally.


Registered User
Really guys! If you take some time to learn the penalty system you'll find it's actually pretty straightforward. I find it much more rewarding than just having to tap a button and hold a direction.

For those having issues keeping it on target try this... Tap square to start your run up, wait for a fraction of a second, hold the d pad left or right for no more than 1 second to pick a side, then push the analogue stick forward slightly (or not) for height. This part is very sensitive. If you pull back on the analogue you can even do a cheeky lob on the keeper. After practising for a few penalties I was putting them exactly where I wanted 9 times out of 10. Once you get it you'll be glad they got rid of the previously, far to simple, penalty system.

I can understand the camera angle complaints, but it doesn't really bother me personally.

Rewarding would be getting the goal I was going to get anyway - I should be able to take advantage of that penalty without worry, I deserved it anyway.


Registered User
i learned to kick pks yesterday! finally, i was totally lost in 2010 and hated the system, but now that i know how to, i actually like it...