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PES 6 Suggestions


Registered User
Jolly Roger said:
I'd like to see the older players who retire permanently gone rather than being re-born. What I think would work better is if the computer simply brings them back randomly as it does now, but with a new name and appearance. The stats and growth curve could remain the same so that there is not so much more processing required by the cpu but going into future seasons it would feel more realistic.
The you could say so and so is "the new maradona" etc

Spot on.

It's very annoying to see a retired player "reborn" in your current Master League game.

It's pathetic really.

I mean, a player in real life comes through the ranks as a teen, then starts to play regularly in the first team before maybe developing into a very good player, then retires and that's the end of it.

In PES4 and PES5, a player retires and he's "reborn" as a promising young player, signs for a rival team (just to annoy the hell out of you) and he develops into the player he was before he originally retired. :realmad:
Chocolatelove said:
If you have the perfect game, what's the point in buying the next Pro Evo? You could just get updated kits & teams for the memorycard.
Jesus!You can never get the "perfect" game...There's ALWAYS something to improve or add... *shakes head*


Ibrox Veteran
1st time i've been on here in ages, noticed this thread so these have prob be mentioned. Im more going along the line of what needs to be fixed from PES5.....

1. Fix the "slowdown" thing so the you can see a crowd in the stands constantly.

2. During Master League, make sure they have all weather conditions. Not just sunny and clear!

3. In big matches in the ML on PES5, why is the stadium empty? The stands should be packed all the time. Even in real life now in the Premiership, you rarley see the ground less than full. This HAS to be sorted.

4. Refs. Im really fed up for getting penalties for the slightest of tackles. This needs to change as well.

5. During Master League in PES5, whay do comp teams change their squad numbers?. In mine, most of the big teams have swaped numbers. It seems that its only really the older players that are heading for retirement that it happens to e.g. In Arsenal, Bergkamp has moved to number 15, Van Persie is 10 and Gilberto Silva is 11.

6. Shooting. The way the players hit the ball sometimes in PES5 is a little unrealistic. Most of the time when a player has it on their weaker foot, they hit it with the outside of their strong foot.

Im sure I could think of a few others and will post them when I can remember them but rather than more things being introduced to PES6, i'd like to see these little things that really piss me off fixed frist.


Registered User
With the arrival of the PS3 before PES6 (hopefully!), I think there are a lot of things that can be improved. Considering the Pro Evolution Soccer brand (not ISS, ISS Pro etc) came about with this generation of consoles, I think so much more could be done in the next gen.

Some suggestions:

1. Real-time transfer updates, etc.
Seeing as a lot of PS3s will be permanently connected, there should be a service where, if you want, you can have real-life transfers made when they happen.

2. More realism in the negotiation side of things
I think that there should be more realism in terms of negotiation in the game. Real currencies, realistic values, and top players refusing entirely to join anyone but the best teams. I also think that the big COM teams should sign good players, and a realistic aspect would be for teams like Chelsea and Real Madrid to buy lots of ready-made talent (at a price) whereas teams like Arsenal should buy young, hot prospects for not very much money.

3. Niggles fixed
Some of the niggles on this game are quite annoying e.g. slowdown. It seems the further we come into the series, the more there are (I know in some cases it's down to hardware). Seeing as the PS3 will be soooo powerful, i think that these errors should be ironed out for the true perfect simulated footie match.

I would also obviously like it if all the teams were licensed, but I know that this isn't likely because others have got them. If PES was fully licensed, imagine how many more people would buy this over F*FA!

Unfortunately I get the feeling that the PS3 will come out at a really bad time for PES (i.e. in the autumn) or maybe that it will be rushed. Hopefully PES7 will be the ultimate.


New Member
I agree that there should be more licenced teams with real kits etc. But i think that while playing in the master league, you can be able to edit the lisenced kits, as it would be boring playing in the same kit every season. This would add to the realism of the game. I think a stadium editor would be ace aswell


Registered User
i think the referee have to be better ..
because he gives to fast a free kick..
you only have to come close to someone en he gives a free kick..
but where are the cards..
when you defenty need to have a yellow card the referee only gifs a free kick..
en when you have just kicked some ass and you need a red card ...
sometimes he give red ..
but most of the time nothing or only yellow
that is wat i want on pes6..
because sometimes a get just angry about that ..
free change to the goal keeper ...
and you just get owned by a tackle from behind ..
and the ref only gives a free kick ..and nothing or yellow

Cannon ball

Registered User
More national teams
Lets face it, they're are definatly not enough national teams in the game. I really hate it because you can't have a good Africa cup, as they're aren't enough teams so you have to start at the quater finals. Its even worse with the Asia cup where you have to start at the semi's. This needs to be sorted. They should add the teams that got to the World Cup who are not in the game like Angola,Togo,Ghana and Trinidad, and other teams that are playing well like Panama,Bahrain,Guatamala,DR Congo,Iraq,Uzbekistan,Zimbabwe, and so on. Also bring back Egypt and Jamaica!


Registered User
1. Chipped penalties
2. The Premiership teams all to be licensed.
3. More tricks to go past players.


Registered User
id actually like to be able to regester players to the classic teams!! the amount of time i have wasted editing over classic players to make way for other ones is ridiculous...


Registered User
Yeah bring back Jamaica!
The com can fall over from very little pressure meaning a free kick and this happens too much which just stops the flow of the game.Yellow cards r not given when they should be and red sometimes as well.
Goalies move towards the enemy with the ball at funny angles.


Registered User
i dont mind having the prem teams not licensed because if they were it would get boring wit d same jersey but i would like to see porthsmouth licensed.


Registered User
I think the difference in pace between players needs to be slighlty more obvious, it seems only martins has the capability to get away from a defender. I very much agree with some who said the shooting techniques need to be improved, the amount of times the ball spills out and player hits it miles wide doing some strange toe poke like shot with the out side of their boot. Definelty the crowd, where are they? Half the time huge stadiums are practically completely empty. As far as new skills to beat players i think its just about the right balance at the moment, the only thing is, make the KNOCK&RUN more easy to execute, as in real life its very easy to pull off and is very effective. And the usual licensing etc


Registered User
I think they need even more hidden players, they seem to take out some hidden players they had before, you know what I mean?

Wim Jonk
Gary Pallister
D. Irwin
Steve Bruce
Dwight Yorke
Marco Simone
Nilton Santos
D. Baggio
Jorginho (Brazil RB 1994)
Roger (Corinthians ex-Benfica)
Steve Marlet
Daniel Carvalho
J. Cesar (ex B. Dortmund)
A. Winter
Roger Byrne
Luke Nilis

sorry about the long ass list... i think i might send it to konami so none of these guys will be missing in PES6. hehe


Registered User
greenfalcon said:
when your players get injured during a season, or in ML, you can actually become the doctor and perform complicated operations on players. Or is that too much to ask?
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure:


Registered User
To be able to download an option file from xbox live even though we won't be able to because of legal reason and the bastards at EA:realmad:, but it would be nice.