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photo gallery in BAL mode


Registered User
is there any way to view these photos in a larger size? or to save them so i can view them on a computer or something?


Registered User
Photo gallery i thinks awesome! Dont know why i just find it satisfying to see my player in the gallery striking the ball in an important match. But no, i dont think there's a way to enlarge the photos unfortunately! But at the end of your career when you decide to retire it plays the photos from your gallery at the end. They might be enlarged thern?


It is happening again
It's a shame you can't export them to the xmb. What I'm doing is saving a photo for every club I've been at. So my first photo is when I played for Newcastle, which is actually a pic of me scoring my first goal. Then I have one for Udinese, one for Bolton, and finally one for England.


Registered User
I'll have to start doing that actually ali! Didnt think about favouriting one from every club i've been at tbh, i've just been fav'ing big matches i've played :)

Quick question ali, what difficulty do you play on? and your first season did you find it abit difficult?


It is happening again
Currently on professional, working my way up to top player. It is more difficult when you start. The lowere stats being the obvious reason, and then there is the teamwork rating. Once you get that a little higher, it will become a bit easier. Saying that, AI is still pretty useless.


Registered User
Ah ok, didn't you get fustrated when you ended up rarely getting a touch of the ball due to your teammates playing shite? I certainly do! Hopefully my new team - FC Lorient will be much better.


Registered User
I will do this to get a picture of each club, its a good feature like the fan base thing.


Registered User
I'll have to start doing that actually ali! Didnt think about favouriting one from every club i've been at tbh, i've just been fav'ing big matches i've played :)

Quick question ali, what difficulty do you play on? and your first season did you find it abit difficult?

Always play on Top Player, On visiting these forums I'm shocked to find not everyone plays on top player.
I though it was a given on any football game you play on the hardest setting.
It makes BAL mode that much more realistic.
On a lower setting a may end up scoring 30+ goals in a début season which kills any realism.


It is happening again
Ah ok, didn't you get fustrated when you ended up rarely getting a touch of the ball due to your teammates playing shite? I certainly do! Hopefully my new team - FC Lorient will be much better.

Yes! Which is why I hate playing lone striker.

neymar96 said:
what is the point whit the photo gallery?

Does there have to be a real point to it?


Registered User
it's a shame only to have 8 along all career time.
it would be nice if to get 8 per club.
i'm putting international debut and debut goals, CL won, Europa, may be next year's Supers and World club Cup