7oy - I have a grievance with you. I had your FULL file 1-5, and then did some editing of the E.P.L.'s players "accessories" i.e. changed many of the shirts to "untucked", auto to "short sleeves", altered some appearances and added goal celebrations to many of the players.
From your description of what was to be changed in update 6, I felt safe and confident in the expectation that this one wouldn't alter any of my editing. But after I'd installed it, I found that it had ! This was most annoying. Why should this have happened ? You weren't supposed to have touched this area in THIS UPDATE, only the stadiums, national team kits, tactics, new leagues e.t.c.
I don't like being critical, as you do such a good job. But these unwanted changes forced me to do my edits all over again and waste much time :no:.
In future, please ensure that the new updates only change what they're MEANT TO ( i.e. as per the description ). Thanks, mate.