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Sorry but. . . . Its time to sell it!!


Registered User
am sorry but its true, i have tried an tried to put all the bad points to the back of my mind but just cant seem to do it, there is just too many.

i didnt bother buying the last two versions, and i think i know why

pro evo has lost it! they got that desperrate that had to copy fifa with right stick for skills . . . naa worst idea yet, because if your pressuring with X ~(xbox360) an they do a skill to that player, he simply stands there and admires his skill, not makin any effort for the ball, right stick is and was for manuals only, thats what made the differance whole differant game with manuals, plus strategy controls are terrible!

what konami need to do is get some real pes fans in the factory, get real advice on how to improve it. not by sayin yes where guna view your forum site . . . when clearly they dont.

it hurts me to say this but . . . i am selling mine today!!
i'd rather have my £40 back than be Pi**ed off after every match.

theres me £40 up :-D thank you konami for yet again a bollocks game!


Registered User
pro evo has lost it! they got that desperrate that had to copy fifa with right stick for skills . . . naa worst idea yet, because if your pressuring with X ~(xbox360) an they do a skill to that player, he simply stands there and admires his skill, not makin any effort for the ball,

Are you seriously moaning about the game because you can tackle players easily with second pressure.

If Konami see stuff like this we will have another PES 2008 on our hands.

How about pull your finger out and tackle the players yourself.

Or get off your high horse and learn the strategies from scratch.

Close this thread! useless!


Registered User
am sorry but its true, i have tried an tried to put all the bad points to the back of my mind but just cant seem to do it, there is just too many.

i didnt bother buying the last two versions, and i think i know why

pro evo has lost it! they got that desperrate that had to copy fifa with right stick for skills . . . naa worst idea yet, because if your pressuring with X ~(xbox360) an they do a skill to that player, he simply stands there and admires his skill, not makin any effort for the ball, right stick is and was for manuals only, thats what made the differance whole differant game with manuals, plus strategy controls are terrible!

what konami need to do is get some real pes fans in the factory, get real advice on how to improve it. not by sayin yes where guna view your forum site . . . when clearly they dont.

it hurts me to say this but . . . i am selling mine today!!
i'd rather have my £40 back than be Pi**ed off after every match.

theres me £40 up :-D thank you konami for yet again a bollocks game!

Yeah I also sold it, after two weeks of owning it; actually, I already knew it was rubbish after three days of playing it, but I didn't return it right away.

Konami has copied FIFA, not just the right analogue stick gimmicks, but the entire game feels like FIFA now.

Are you seriously moaning about the game because you can tackle players easily with second pressure.

If Konami see stuff like this we will have another PES 2008 on our hands.

How about pull your finger out and tackle the players yourself.

Or get off your high horse and learn the strategies from scratch.

Close this thread! useless!

Dude, seriously, do you have nothing better to do?

Tackling for the ball is one of the weakest areas of PES11, if you cannot see why, you are a massive noob and a massive fanboy.

The defensive system, makes difficult things such as breaking through the midfield, very easy and automatic; yet easy things, such as tackling for the ball or intercepting passes, are a lot more difficult tan they should be.

It has nothing to do with difficulty, and a lot to do with the fact that the tackling system is automatic and imprecise: nothing to do with difficulty, get it?

Or, is this another massive fail? will you post one of the face palm or massive fail pictures again?

Dude, here is what you don't seem to understand -- the person who created this thread does not agree with your opinion.

And no, the person who created this thread does not want PES08, as he clearly stated that he did not bothered buying PES09 nor PES10; which implies that he must have a very low opinion regarding PES08.

Whenever I see your name you are pathetically trying to bully the people who do not like PES; making an ass of yourself, every time you try it.

Do you know that a lot of former PES fans are now playing FIFA11?

There's a reason for that, and it certainly is not because they could not handle PES11.


Registered User
Yeah I also sold it, after two weeks of owning it; actually, I already knew it was rubbish after three days of playing it, but I didn't return it right away.

Konami has copied FIFA, not just the right analogue stick gimmicks, but the entire game feels like FIFA now.

Dude, seriously, do you have nothing better to do?

Tackling for the ball is one of the weakest areas of PES11, if you cannot see why, you are a massive noob and a massive fanboy.

Dude, here is what you don't seem to understand -- the person who created this thread does not agree with your opinion.

And no, the person who created this thread does not want PES08, as he clearly said that he has not bothered buying PES09 nor PES10; which means that he must have a very low opinion regarding PES08.

Whenever I see your name you are pathetically trying to bully the people who do not like PES; making an ass of yourself, every time you try it.

Do you know that a lot of former PES fans are now playing FIFA11?

There's a reason for that, and it certainly is not because they could not handle PES11.

PES 11 is decent


Registered User
Speaking from the PESgaming anti Amateur camp, I would advocate for him to be banned for he does not have a clue about PES and life.

I could not care less about what some random person whom I don't know, thinks about me.

Laughing my ass off at your stupidity; so now you are a philosopher? I do not have a clue about PES nor about life?

And you have deduced all that, based on what I think about a video game?


If you actually affected me in any way, I would advocate for you to be banned on the grounds of sheer stupidity; but the fact is, why ban you when I never pay attention to you?

All I can say is, I could not care less, go fuck yourself for all I care.


Registered User
please remove or ban this amateur guy from this site,
this guy is very annoying and boring.

at amateur,you definitly don't know how to play pes2011,it's really a great game,but you have to learn how to play it,and that takes time and some effort.

i think it's better for you to go play fifa and moan about pes at fifa sites and get the fuck of this site.


Registered User
I could not care less about what some random person whom I don't know, thinks about me.

Laughing my ass off at your stupidity; so know you are a philosopher? I do not have a clue about PES nor about life?

And you have deduced all that, based on what I think about a video game?


I you actually affected me in any way, I would advocate for you to be banned on the grounds of sheer stupidity; but the fact is, why ban you when I never pay attention to you?

All I can say is, I could not care less, go fuck yourself for all I care.

Contradictory. You are paying attention now. Sad individual... And obviously im not the only one who doesnt have time for you. Pity about your football career you amateur.


Registered User
Contradictory. You are paying attention now. Sad individual... And obviously im not the only one who doesnt have time for you. Pity about your football career you amateur.

Well, you see, when someone quotes you.... you should respond to him....

You responded to me, I simply responded to your response; had you never bothered responding to me, I would have never bothered responding to you since I don't give a shit about whatever it is you have to say.

You responded to me, I responded to you; and you have responded once again, having started this ridiculous waste of time -- so, apparently, you do have time to waste, since you continue wasting it on people who you do not respect and on things that you do not understand.

You are a fucking moron. Laughing my ass off. I have nothing left to say, except, I don't care, tell someone who cares, consider this the last time I dignify your stupidity with a response.


Registered User
Well, you see, when someone quotes you.... you should respond to him....

You responded to me, I simply responded to your response; had you never bothered responding to me, I would have never bothered responding to you since I don't give a shit about whatever it is you have to say.

You responded to me, I responded to you; and you have responded once again, having started this ridiculous waste of time -- so, apparently, you do have time to waste, since you continue wasting it on people who you do not respect and on things that you do not understand.

You are a fucking moron. Laughing my ass off. I have nothing left to say, except, I don't care, tell someone who cares, consider this the last time I dignify your stupidity with a response.

You are constantly wasting time on these forums lamenting on your unsuccessful football career, crying that you know a lot about football and complaining about football video games. I do enjoy you're shit attitude regarding life as you are one of lifes losers. Unlike you I've actually made something of my life, but whats the point telling you as you always seem to put other people down since you fucked up your life.


Registered User
You are constantly wasting time on these forums lamenting on your unsuccessful football career, crying that you know a lot about football and complaining about football video games. I do enjoy you're shit attitude regarding life as you are one of lifes losers. Unlike you I've actually made something of my life, but whats the point telling you as you always seem to put other people down since you fucked up your life.

That does not sounds like me at all. I am actually very different to the impression you have of me.

Fucking my life when I am a 24 year old guy with a lot of doings going for him, is not really what I would describe as someone who fucked up his life.

By the way, I never tried to be a professional football player, and if given the chance, I would not take it, as I want to do other things with my life.

I have nothing against you as a person, you are a lousy consumer, but at the end of the day, I simply do not know you nor do I have any antipathy towards you.

All I can say is, go fuck yourself, I don't give a fuck; in addition, we are talking about a video game, why are you attacking me for having an opinion?

Do you think I loose any sleep over a video game? I have better things to do with my time.