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What would you like to see in Pro Evo 2009 ???


Registered User
For me i would like to see online as good, as everyone says fifa is. More sponsers & teams also leagues, bring back the old creation mode for changing faces etc. Downloads such as transfers etc, better tackling and shooting............... thats all i can think of for now !!


Registered User
Other than the obvious...I would like to see more teams that reflect the region the game is released. For example, MLS and or Mexican League teams for the North American Release.

Or one universal game that contains tons of teams. I think having a J-league team vs a Mexican League team would be a lot of fun with friends or online.


Registered User
more teams, better online play, realistic master league( I mean lets play the real leagues and not have teams all mixed up)


Registered User
LOL i have a wish list infact,

1: More Teams including the teams from lower divisions EXAMPLE: Championship Serie B

2: Official Nike Sponsor For PES 2009

3: Putting Logo's And Writing On Socks

4: Realistic master league (totally agree with dante)

5: A Feature to edit the new kits of licensed teams

6: Kit & Transfer Updates For Online play

7: Better Reaction from the commentators when a goal is scored

8: Reserve Team Players Can be added to the first team (Could Be Handy)

9: Better passing system

9: New Champions League Mode (Including The Official Champions League Ball)

10: last but not least a Classic team system that allows u to pick a past arsenal squad for example something like the 04-05 squad or the 96-97 squad


Registered User
I would like to see if you can play inside i would love that.And alot of new stadiums and nike balls and adidas


Registered User
What do I want to see in PES09??

Where do I start.. First thing I'd like to have are the Classic Players with their real faces. It's annoying to see Fernando Gago with his real face -while on the other hand- we have The Diego Armando Maradona with some random face.

Secondly, I'd like to see a more flexible Online play. For example I'd like to be able to play with my all-time XI during online play - that'll be awesome! playing with Maradona, Pele, Cruijff, etc, etc.. in the Online Leagues!

And of course, Konami must fix the Online Issues - it's embarrasing in comparison with FIFA's online play... and honestly, it is almost unplayable in Online Mode.

And I almost forgot - I'd like to have 4 New Dribbling Styles to go with the old 4 dribbling styles.

Other things I want to see in PES09 include - lots and lots of New Skills, the old:

Passing Accuracy
Passing Speed
Dribble Accuracy
Dribble Speed
Shot Accuracy
Shot Technique

The old PES Skills are simply to generic for next gen games. This are some of the New Skills I want to see in PES 2009:

1. Short Ground Pass
2. Short Lobbed Pass
3. Long Ground Pass
4. Long Lobbed Pass
5. Through Ball Technique
6. Tactical Awareness
7. Attacking Awareness
8. Defensive Awareness
9. Marking
10. Tackling
11. Sliding Tackle
12. Covering
13. Pressing
14. Defensive Composure
15. Finishing
16. Strength
17. Consistency
18. Step-Over
19. Pull-Back
20. Shielding
21. Flick Ball Up
22. Roulette
23. Nutmeg
24. Lane Change
25. Instep Drive Shot
26. Inside Foot Shot
27. Long Range Shot
28. Outside Foot Shot
29. Chip Shot

And that's about it, I'd like to see some 29 New Skills IN PES09. I want to see changes in the game play, more intuitive/instinctive dribbling, much better tackles, much better and consistent off-the-ball movement from all 11 players.. And as for the League names and Leagues available - honestly I'm ok with the Master League, my only request would be to add. the World Cup to the Master League.

The Eristic

Registered User
Keep the first team limit in ML at 32ish (or maybe have the limit increase as your team becomes more popular and better funded), but allow maybe 15 spots for youth, injured players, and any other players designated as reserves. Optional reserve team games could be played (at the expense of time and fatigue) to develop younger players who might not be quite ready for first team football, and to ease players recovering from injury back into the game.


Registered User
if they cant get enough $$ to sponsor the EPL then screw it, dont sponsor serie a or netherlands league and get the EPL

also i want to be able to have some feature that lets you keep tabs on young players, like a scout would.

The Eristic

Registered User
if they cant get enough $$ to sponsor the EPL then screw it, dont sponsor serie a or netherlands league and get the EPL

also i want to be able to have some feature that lets you keep tabs on young players, like a scout would.

FIFA has exclusive rights to the EPL for a few more years, at least. Besides, as much as I'd like to see the entire EPL in the game, it would be moving in the wrong direction to drop two other big leagues (especially one that nearly makes ML survivable by itself! Where would "WE United" be without cheap and willing Dutch youth that grow into monsters...) in order to pick up a single new one. If they'll just include full-featured editing tools on ALL platforms, it'll be tolerable till 2010 or whenever FIFA's license expires.

As to the second feature, could you elaborate? I mean, what would you like to see beyond "Search -> Quick Search -> Select by Future Potential -> Add to List" and the like?


Registered User
other than better crowd and pretty much everything else mentioned id like to see a better transfer window, i mean that in the sense of being able to offer players to clubs for both sale and loan. ive had plenty of players ive put up for transfer and nobody wants to know so im having to release them. its not like its crap players either there was ronald koeman and cruyff in there. plus i like to go down the top teams way of doing things i.e loaning out young players to lower clubs so they develop better and quicker


Registered User
For me improvements to Master Leagues and kits etc are always secondary to actual improvements in gameplay. I may be one of the few people who don't really play Master League, I'll just go through a season in the league, that way I can edit or register players as I want.

I do find the gameplay improved in 2008 but would love them to improve the shooting so you can score curling efforts from 25 yards, at the moment nearly all my shots, however hard they're struck run along the ground and it looks stupid. If you try and shoot with R2 it's just never powerful enough and the lobs are crazily hard to pull off

Through balls are also difficult to do properly, long balls are OK though admittely difficult until you get the hang of R2

I find the Goalies are much better in this version but obviously the crowd is terrible and I have a real problem with the nets and lack of feeling when you scored coupled with the stupid referee blowing his whistle the minutes the ball crosses the line, can't we just have a ripple of the net with appropriate sound effect??? Replays are dodgy as hell as well, why did they change them, I can never get the angle I want whereas on the old versions it was so simple

So please Konami I would love more features and kits etc but if you have limited time and budget I would much prefer you to keep improving the gameplay - that's what we're all in it for, surely


Registered User
i would jus love to see the old style of gameplay back for pes2009 becoz pes 2008 is a joke all you have to do is pick a team with fast players n ur damn near guaranteed to win this takes all the realism out of the game. i wud also like to have a full complete edit mode with everything editable becoz i dnt mind not having licensed teams n boots n stuff becoz i feel itz a part of the pes experience to be able edit some of the kits n boots n players urself and they should even put in an edit ball section where u can create ur own footballs since konami like to put shit balls in the game y not let us create our own. last but not least it wud be great if they put in an indoor match mode as other ppl have suggested and have indoor tournaments and leagues. there are plenty more things that could be done to make pes2009 go leaps and bounds beyond pes 2008 but itz up to konami to deliver i really hope they do otherwise the future of pes looks very dim.

Red Owl

Registered User
I would like some attention putting into the Master League for once. Since my first Pro Evo (PES5) the only change of note is the increase of all leagues to 20 teams. First of all, this makes D2 absolutely boring. And secondly, there's so much that could be improved.

- Reasons regarding transfers; I want to know WHY certain players reject me (even if it is just "Too low wages", "Too long/short a contract" or "Too low offer") so I can make an improved bid.
- Injuries to be slightly realistic. I've had one player miss a game due to injured in the past 3 or 4 seasons, I'd quite relish the challenge of having to improvise slightly with my squad.
- Different cups, D1 is useless and boring, it used to be my Youth Team cup until they made everyone's stamina shocking. The European Championship drags on a bit too. Introduce something like a Community Shield equivalent.
- Mid-season transfer window; it would be nice if you could have league games and transfers running parallel, like in the Premier League.
- Make loans more important. Over 4 different PES titles, I've sent out 3 players on loan, and loaned in none.
- Internationals; since Pro Evo originated from ISS Pro, which was only International teams, it seems disappointing that the only significance International games have on Master League is that about 2 players are missing once every 10 weeks. Possibly something like you can choose a country you can also control, and you select the squad and play the World Cup etc [bit far fetched that suggestion, but I'd love it. Ordaz for Spain!]

So to sum up, Konami should change:
- Something, ANYTHING!!!!

The Eristic

Registered User
- Different cups, D1 is useless and boring, it used to be my Youth Team cup until they made everyone's stamina shocking. The European Championship drags on a bit too. Introduce something like a Community Shield equivalent.

Further, on Cups, how about making participation in cups for which your team qualifies optional? Honestly, if I've won the Championship AND D1 four times running, I really don't want to compete in both of them, especially since my team is in a youth development phase at the moment (The extra six cup matches in a six week period do little for the kids other than raise their fatigue, which raises another question: why don't cup matches aid in development as much as league matches? Cup ties are often against much better sides than league games.). I'd also like to be able to play in the UEFA Cup equivalent, but I'll have to actually throw matches to get into it, which is stupid.

I was also thinking about how ML needs three divisions or something, with D3 Leagues being made up of all the rest of the club teams. It would make the game a lot more challenging and involved, and would also make negotiations more realistic, as you would be able to try to trade for or loan in/out nearly every player in the game, instead of being forced to outright purchase players in non-league teams.

Red Owl

Registered User
Further, on Cups, how about making participation in cups for which your team qualifies optional? Honestly, if I've won the Championship AND D1 four times running, I really don't want to compete in both of them, especially since my team is in a youth development phase at the moment (The extra six cup matches in a six week period do little for the kids other than raise their fatigue, which raises another question: why don't cup matches aid in development as much as league matches? Cup ties are often against much better sides than league games.). I'd also like to be able to play in the UEFA Cup equivalent, but I'll have to actually throw matches to get into it, which is stupid.

I was also thinking about how ML needs three divisions or something, with D3 Leagues being made up of all the rest of the club teams. It would make the game a lot more challenging and involved, and would also make negotiations more realistic, as you would be able to try to trade for or loan in/out nearly every player in the game, instead of being forced to outright purchase players in non-league teams.

I borrowed PES6 for the PSP off my mate, and that went down to D3, I think there were 8 teams in the league, then 10 ish in the D2 league and then 20 in D1. Perfect, with a few more teams maybe added.


Registered User
- Ronaldos free kick motion

- No more keeper assisted goals

- Better slide tackling

- Create your own league

- Premiership!

- Bundesliga in the game

- More nice footwork

- A realistic Master League