Glad so many agree, atleast in a general way. It is nice to know I am not the only person who wants more from the game (ot atleast as much as a game like ISS98 had to offer, which at it's time was regarded by far as the best footy game available).
In a way it is understandable that KONAMI don't implement analog aiming, or more advanced gameplay features, because the more advanced the game is, the higher the learning curve is.
But at the same time, I don't understand why you would release a game that doesn't reward players the longer they play the game.
If a Counterstrike (to take an example) player who has played the game for 6 years faces of against a player who has played it 2 years, it is safe to say that the person who has played it 6 years has alot more potential to be better.
Yet in PES, you can take someone who has played the game for 3 years, and pit him in a penalty shootout against someone who is playing it for the first time. As long as you take 20 seconds to explain to the beginner how he aims, shoots and saves, he has an equal chance to win the shootout. It's just insane how little skill is required for most things in the game. Passing is just a point and click deal, no need to worry about subtle aiming or power. Sure if you play the game a long time you will most likely get a better feel for it, but it is still way to unrewarding for me.
So the question is, does KONAMI want beginners to be able to pick up the game and immediately be able to beat veteran players? I mean sure, the beginner might like the game immediately and become hooked which is good for business, but me being an experienced player, I can safely say the game is starting to bore me. Obviously you can argue that I should just stop playing the game if I don't like it, but the thing is I want to like it, and what kills me isn't the state the game is in now, but rather the state I know the game could be in if KONAMI just put some effort into renweing it rather than just changing what is already there.
Add a powerbar to penalties so we can balance power and accuracy ourselves.
Give us analog aim for longpasses so we can make David Beckham land a longpass down to the yard like in real-life, rather than just punting it in the general direction of a teammate who then has to run about to actually get to it.
I read FIFA08 will have analog aim AND power of through balls. Now that is great, because in real life, you CAN adjust aim and power to throughballs. PES just has a button that you press, and then you hope the player you are controlling understands where you want to strike it
Because believe me, when I play PES, I not only know what player I want a pass to reach, I know HOW the ball should reach him. but because of everything being automated or 8-directional, all I can do is press the passbutton or throughpass button, and sit back and watch the show. Instantly rewarding for beginners, a pain in the neck for someone who has been doing that very thing over and over and over for 3 years.