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X360 Scoreboard Information...!


Registered User
Just to clarify the scoreboard situation.

In the picture below you will see GGS with a hex edited to give the 6th placeholder for the game2d_00.png file (Circled in RED) in there you will see the YELLOW circled bit, this is what is used where you see all the white bits I.E. Entrance scene. So this is needed.

In the next image below you will see the hex code. To get this you load the bin into AFS Explorer Zlib Manager, you are then supposed to change the byte header to 16 and extract, this all works for most file and works on the PC version, but when compressing the edited hex back into unnamed_37.bin it corrupts the header, so after hours and hours of messing around, i found out that if i drop it to 10 byte header it seems to work.
So what have i edited, well 1st of all i edited the header to allow for 6 textures which i have circled, then the rest of the header needed to be edited to reflact the changes, I should point out at this time that PES on the X360 uses REVERSED HEX in some places, so i checked the PC edited version the reversed it in the place it needed. Because if you don't edit this the file won't display any png's.

Then in the next image you have the footer which adds the game2d_00.tex file to the bin so that it has the correct name.

So i hope your all following this, can i just say i'm not a Hex Expert, i just no enough to convert it as i did the only X360 Scoreboards on PES2008.

Now the problem with my V2..? it should work but it could be because of the 10 byte header and not being able to use 16 byte header..


Registered User
Have you notest that when it comes to penalties the white boards strike again?
I already stated this in other thread, just want to help and report.

Keep up the great work.


Registered User
Have you notest that when it comes to penalties the white boards strike again?
I already stated this in other thread, just want to help and report.

Keep up the great work.

Yes i know about that, that is one of the things that will be fixd with the new release.


Registered User
Just to let you know i haven't stopped trying to get this 100% working, i'v been working hard at sorting the hex out, which i think is sorted now, so we have 16 byte headers,


Registered User
Just to let you know i haven't stopped trying to get this 100% working, i'v been working hard at sorting the hex out, which i think is sorted now, so we have 16 byte headers,

If/when you have something you need us to test, let us know!
And once again, thank you very much for your efforts.
Really appreciate!



Registered User
Right theres no so good news at the moment, i have done alot of testing with BM, i have tried quiet alot of ways to get this to load the 6th file game2d_00 in the new hex editied file but we get alot of crashing.
I did think that it was possibly because unpacking then compressing a bin with png's in it was somehow making it not be read by the X360. I also thought that the 16 byte header was creating the problem, but after further tests i know that this isn't the problem.
Me and BM have also tried NEW hex edited cv05 bins which i created, but that didn't work neither, also tried another way of doing this almost cheating really but that didn't work.

I'm beginning to think that the X360 either doesn't like the bin to be edited in any way, or it doesn't like the 6th file.
As far as i am concerned the HEX is ALL GOOD so there should be no problem, it has give me a headache, even BM has been testing very late at nite for me.

BM checked the png's for me also and we know it's not them.

So where does this leave me now...? to be honest i dunno, it wasn't supposed to be that hard of a problem. i haven't totally give up yet i will keep looking into this, but maybe for now we are stuck with my V1 scoreboards. The one's with the white bits on the entrance scenes. As for the stoppage time problem after alot of scratching my head i don't see anyway to fix this as of yet, Sorry guys.




Registered User
thanks for your continued efforts tony. it'd be great if it canb be resolved, but if it can't, then it simply can't, sadly. all the best with the efforts anyway mate


Registered User
Ok after asking around and pm'ing for an proper explanation of the header of the extracted edited unnamed_37.bin i was given this by 222 from over at evoweb, so it's not good news really because i am 100% certain now that my hex is accurate, which means that the png's are fine thanx to BM for checking them, and the hex is fine, and the 16 byte headers of the compressed bins are fine, so i can't figure out where the problem is....?

Maybe it's just the X360 won't load the new bin with the extra placeholder...?

See the entance scene looks for game2d_00.tex in unnamed_37.bin if this is not there you get the white bits... thats why i am trying to add this... It maybe possible to find the hex that loads this and point it to unnamed_102.bin as this has the game2d_00.tex in there...? This would mean extracting alot of bins to find this... who knows... it will take alot of time unless anyone knows which bin this is in, i know where the hex for the champs league entrance scene is... it may also be possible to link to that... again i dunno.....?
Oh well i will keep working at this in as much spare time as i have got...