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X360 Working Scoreboards CL,Setanta


Registered User
Tony mate if i just want the sky sports timer for all games can i just put them in over bollo's v2 and if so which bins do i need sorry if this has already been asked .


Registered User
i must insert in the rv0c_i (i have the italian version) can i download the cv05.img file and so import the scoreboard bin in rv0c_i whitout freeze?


Registered User
i have bollo's v2 installed and i downloaded Setanta rv0c_e(fixed) and cv05(fixed) off tonycrews page, i import over the origional and still i get freezes, does any one have any idea why this is. does it need to be a fresh iso or can you just import over the files as many times as you want


M Ruffiano

Registered User
My cv05 and rv0c_e are BM's v2 aswell.

So if I got this straight,

First I put Bolloxmastas patch into the iso and after that put the tonycrew files and the Sky-bins on there.

4 questions for the hi-tech guys;

Is The Sky scoreboard also not complete, is the white things there on the commentators etc?

If I put the Sky scoreboard on there, is it applied in every game except Champs leaugue?

How long does it take to put the patch on the iso and then burn it?

Does the patch cover BAL mode?

A very big thank you for all the work you put into this guys!!(Bolloxmasta, tonycrew etc)