For the best lawn care in cedar park, please visit our sponsor at lawn service cedar park They are a local lawn care and landscaping company that provide services in such as lawn care, lawn mowing, weeding, and landscape maintenance in Cedar Park, Austin, Round Rock, and Leander area. They are located at:

Lawn Care Service of Cedar Park 100 E Whitestone Blvd Ste 148, #166 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 595-0884

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  • I used to play 4-2-3-1 for the most part and alternatively 4-4-2 with basically the same setup as 4-2-3-1 but the AMC becomes SS instead. Experiment with 'Pressing' between 14 and 20 and the rest I keep between 10 and 13 (sometimes 8 Support Range). If opposition got fast offensive players (typical MLO) I put my Defensive Line deeper than 10 unless I myself got really fast defense.

    The exact lineup on my formation is very similar to the original Tottenham formation, but I've put my wingers a little wider and a notch further up the pitch.
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