Hi, i've read your posts regading game freezing and decided to write u a message. I personally didn't have this problem but i have another one. Here's my problem: (i've copied my message from another post, here's the link: http://www.pesgaming.com/showthread.php?t=76459&highlight=glitch&page=2)
So at first it was like this but i've tried it today and tried to go top menu after all those steps and the game froze. So i would like to know your thoughts about all this. maybe you could try all those steps too and tell me what happened. I've tried all the things i.e. deleted the option file (i use the one that roshmade) save data and all that staff, still nothing it freezes all the same so I'm totally lost.
So at first it was like this but i've tried it today and tried to go top menu after all those steps and the game froze. So i would like to know your thoughts about all this. maybe you could try all those steps too and tell me what happened. I've tried all the things i.e. deleted the option file (i use the one that roshmade) save data and all that staff, still nothing it freezes all the same so I'm totally lost.