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  1. B

    Soloution for online error 'UDP 5730'.

    no where it says any in 2 of the boxes change it to 'upd' and then its done.
  2. B

    Soloution for online error 'UDP 5730'.

    yeh i will do and get you a detailed explinartion of port forwarding.
  3. B

    Soloution for online error 'UDP 5730'.

    also mate those little boxes choose udp not tpc or something like tht,'UDP'!
  4. B

    Soloution for online error 'UDP 5730'.

    right mate go on your hub management the go on advanced,then continue to advanced, youll be asked for a password and username use admin and admin if you dont know yours, then go configuration, application sharing,type pro evo in, then the little boxes underneath put 5730 in everyone along then...
  5. B

    UDP Port 5730 Thingie...

    u wont get anywhere doing tht im with bt, what you need to do is go on this site bthomehub.home (no www.'s just type tht in) if asked for a password and userrname use admin and admin unlcoks both. then go configuration,applications sharing, click here in little blue writing, type the game in so...
  6. B

    Game difficuilty.

    honestly what is your game difficuilty your playing on for the master leauge and can you change it?
  7. B

    Soloution for online error 'UDP 5730'.

    sorry man, i have bt home hub took me about 3 hours but finall done it and had 3 online games iill email konami for you cos i know a man there and see if he can help you.
  8. B

    Soloution for online error 'UDP 5730'.

    try this To get into the home hub menu, go to your web browser and go to the following URL and use Username admin Password admin
  9. B

    Pc Online / Port Numbers

    hey you need to open 5730 and 3658 and set them as trigger ports and you should be fine, what broadband you have?
  10. B

    Soloution for online error 'UDP 5730'.

    I had this problem where i went to go online and couldnt actually get on it cos of port 5730, i have been in touch with konami and sorted it, it is hard to explain but if you post what router or broadband you have in this thread i maybe able to help as i have a website where you can 'port...
  11. B

    network issues (not slowdown)

    Online problems getting worse and they dont care. this is a major problem with the ps3 and konami network, basically konami have rushed the online play and not thought to look into the main router people use bt, and so have designed online play where you need to have 2 or 3 ports opening 5730...
  12. B

    network issues (not slowdown)

    what broadband do you have? is it a bt home hub? if soo i got the soloution.
  13. B

    network issues (not slowdown)

    i have exactly the same problem mate,nearly fixed it,wats ur psn n il tell u how 2 do it.
