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Search results

  1. Vasbor70

    Ideas Compilation Post.

    Has anyone write here something about "new servers for Online mode" before? :) This my (sure, not only mine) main "idea" already for 6-7 years. But looks like Konami doesn't give a flying f**k regarding "ideas" like this, so I can see PES 2018 Online as a lagging POS again. Also, sure...
  2. Vasbor70

    Code: SGJC427 fault on PS4

    Looks like sh*t like this happens every year, but with different error code. Sure, problem not in your router, connection, PS4, data,etc - its just another one fault of rubbish Konami servers. Btw, Konami support is a f*cking joke. They are always replying the same "check your...
  3. Vasbor70

    USB problem PS4

    1. Read the message above 2. USB must be formatted in FAT32 or exFAT 3. (for MacOS users) : Erase / Format USB-drive with Disk Utility ( please note, it will erase all your USB - data). Disk Utility settings for erasing / formatting: Format - MS-DOS (FAT) Scheme - Master Boot...
  4. Vasbor70

    Demo Discussion Thread

    No any serious changes or improvements, my opinion. Looks like a bit reworked version of PES2016 or FIFA 2-3 years ago. Hell of scripting on top level, unrealistic ball control, etc. And yes, Konami has add vibro as a part of "physical contact", but contact between 2 players still looks like...
  5. Vasbor70

    PES 2017 First Pics and News!

    Probably it means "adaptive AI" will just shitting in team play more intensively. :D As example, if you like to play ball control & slow build up play with lots of short passes, AI will just randomly downgrade passing skills / pass accuracy of a couple of "key-players". Also, attackers will...
  6. Vasbor70

    How to get Cu*tnami peice of sh*tvolution 2016 to reward talent?

    This game is based on cheating created by Konami own hands, so you have only to live with it. 2 simple examples: The weather. Some people still thinking Konami has add the rain to make game looks "more realistic". Bullshit!! Konami has add the rain just "to hide" a most stupid moments of...
  7. Vasbor70

    What I hope and expect to see in PES2017

    Omg, with every fecking year this game looks more and more like cheap, scripted, arcade-ish electronic crap with rubbish and unplayable Online. But every year people keeps writing their hopeless "ideas for the next year" and talking about "new boots and shorts". Bhatti must be laughing :w00t
  8. Vasbor70

    Manager formation please help new to pes

    its a typical Konami crap to make you wasting coins/GP's for 2nd manager and for players, who doesn't fit in your manager formation:ninja: Btw, I'd never heard before regarding all top-managers can play only one formation. What a surprise from Konami.
  9. Vasbor70

    How to not concede a minimum of 4+ goals everygame?

    I have released all expensive CB's long time ago, its just a waste of GP's for their contracts, my opinion. CB's like Ramos, Silva,etc., doesn't makes big difference in any type of the match - offline or manual, because of the stupid scripting and through ball spam. Same is about SIM -...
  10. Vasbor70

    PES 2017: your ideas and suggestions

    New servers + completely reworked Online mode, with no button lags,bags, disconnects and other "trademark" Konami's cheap crap available for years. Otherwise, this wankers will never see my 60 bucks again. Just can't see any reason to pay money for this cheap electronic bullsh*t that still...
  11. Vasbor70

    PS4 QIMJ595 Error Code/ Can't connect with server

    Update: Fixed. MyClub Online start working again right after I have 3.0 update downloaded and installed. As I was sure from the beginning, the problem was not in my provider, router or network connection - the problem was in rubbish Konami servers (as it always happens). Funny, but...
  12. Vasbor70

    PS4 QIMJ595 Error Code/ Can't connect with server

    22.03.2016 The problem with QIMJ595 error still doesn't fixed yet. So, PES multiplayer doesn't available for me already for 5 days. The lust message from Konami Support is dated 20.03 - they was asking me to confirm my Line Type "for documentation", then silence. :ninja:
  13. Vasbor70

    PS4 QIMJ595 Error Code/ Can't connect with server

    Thanks, mate, but looks like both this ways is not OK for me. Changing of port settings in SYSTEM SETTINGS doesn't help. Regarding the video: Looks like guy on the video doesn't doing anything special, just talking a lot :), then launching Online Divisions, switching between servers, etc...
  14. Vasbor70

    PS4 QIMJ595 Error Code/ Can't connect with server

    After 6 months of playing PES / MyClub Online, have got disconnect 17.03 afternoon with following pop-up notification "No connection with PES server due to unknown problem" and error code QIMJ595. QIMJ595 means PES server can't get game ID from PSN, as I know. So, My Club Online is not...
  15. Vasbor70

    [LEAGUE] SOGAZ Russian Football Championship Creation Thread 2015/16

    Probably, the best Spartak kits at the moment. Thanks! The only one "problem" : white (home) / red (away) / black (keeper) stripes on the left/right side and on the sleeves of the shirt. Its done not very accurate, especially on the sleeves - looks not OK (PS4). Sorry. Btw, "falcom4ever"...
  16. Vasbor70

    Is it time to stop buying PES?

    "Yes". The game / Online Mode looks worse and worse every year and Konami won't to change anything and improve it. Also, I can't see any reason to pay money for it, after they has released free version of MyClub.
  17. Vasbor70

    If Konami just listened

    Can't understand why people still calling PES as a "good game", really. Late transfers update, bugs, lagging menu and goals celebration, stupid keepers, no licensing, s**t sound and music, boring and repetitive commentators, idiotic scripting (doesn't matter what type of match /mode you're...
  18. Vasbor70

    Cant Connect To Servers?

    Its a global problem. Konami has add Free-to-Play Myclub and overload their servers with new players. Now they are trying to "fix" it, as result - "no connection with server" :laugh:
  19. Vasbor70

    Cant Connect To Servers?

    Welcome to Konami world!:w00t
