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Search results

  1. Z

    Why am I not winning in my Master League?

    Are you able to master the new defense mode for PES 2012? You need to use R2 all the time in defense. Also calling for second player to support, but you need to know when. Take a look on this tutorial If you master the defense, you...
  2. Z

    will youth consist the same players every time

    I just started a new master league. I will say most of the players are the same, at least in the first season. But I saw some random players. Also, the developing curve is different, so a player that turn a really good one in one master league is not necessarily good in another one.
  3. Z

    Be honest: Which one do you prefer?

    I like 2012, and I will like 2013, 2014 and so on. I like the new version, just for the fun to deal with Konami changes.
  4. Z

    How to move goalie?

    How you get it back to a player?
  5. Z

    Change teams???

    Same team, no option to change.
  6. Z

    No PK against computer

    I am now in 2014-2015 season. I have been given several penalties. Most of the are when I do the fake shot and the opposite player make a slide tackle taking down my player. Most of the time this action came with a Yellow Card. Other yellow cards out side of the area came while dribbling...
  7. Z

    0 revenues - is there any bug?

    Expecting Earnings is not working as it use to in 2011. Approximate match revenue and Prizes are not been added. Sponsor income is only added at the beginning of the session, before you pay everything.
  8. Z

    Defending against free kicks

    I used to do the blocker in 2011, it really worked, but not in 2012, the IA handle to put the ball always above you player with millimetric precision. Since in 2012 you can control the goalkeeper, you can to move him to the far post before the kick. You can see it in this video...
  9. Z

    Master League Real life players

    Use the penalty challenge You get 200 GP once you get gold in the 3 levels. Use the penalty challenge. It took me like 10 minutes.
  10. Z

    Can somebody recommend me a team?

    Use the penalty chanlange You get 200 GP if you get gold in the 3 levels, it took me like 10 minutes.
  11. Z

    what camera are you using in BAL?

    Wide camera for me, and using a lot the mini map.
  12. Z

    Player conditions In Master League!!!

    Players get mad because they don't play every game. If they are top players, like Keita and you don't play him every game, he most likely want to move to another team.
  13. Z 2011 Patch 2.0 - Released! + Single Link - 23/03/2011

    100% This is one of the best Patch. You have the PESEDIT SELECTOR where can choose which mode you want to play. One option is the online switch :). Try it, you wont regret.
  14. Z

    UEFA Champions!

    Thanks for sharing.
  15. Z

    skill card training

    Thanks, I was also confused with the new systems.
  16. Z

    Classics & Ongoing ML

    They will appear as a free agents. I just did in my game, I unlocked some classics players and now I have Lilian Thuram in my team after singing him from the free agents list.
  17. Z

    Crazy ML transfers

    Casillas y Ronaldinho to Barcelona
  18. Z

    sammy_k_84's Option File (including Championship and missing CL teams)

    Thanks Sammy for all you work. I would love to see you OF again, :)
