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Search results

  1. M

    Team by Stamina?

    I can automatically let my team set up by best players or best Form. It should be possible to setup the team by Stamina. So only best Stamina players get choosen to play? Can you pls add this option?
  2. M

    If you play on xbox enable IPv6 on Router

    If you play on xbox enable IPv6 on Router. XBOX get best connections if IPv6 is enabled. If your Router not Support it. Ask your ISP if they could enable IPv6 for you. You get alot better connections not only in PES but in all Multiplayer games on xbox.
  3. M

    Masterleague Error?

    If you play Masterleague but only Simulating the game (only watch the results) the team chemistry never changes. This should be fixed.
  4. M

    why is this site not encrypted?

    Even Login is not encrypted? Please upgrade the site: Certificates are for free here: Its backed by Mozilla google and all big players.
  5. M

    Why update everyday?

    All Modes I play I get an update every day. Is there no Version checking? I would like to have updates only when its neccesary. Is it possible?
  6. M

    bye Konami - lost a customer

    I was a player who changed from scripted FIFA to Konami PES. It was a big Mistake ! PES is laggy, laggy, laggy, laggy? NEVER really NEVER the better one wins. It's because you can't say if you are the better one or if your opponent is lagging like hell. No it's not my connection -...
  7. M

    online gameplay experience deteriorating fast

    I don't think it's scripting. I think it's bad lag and bad matchmaking. In many routers there is an option to not respond on internetping. This means all ICMP packets are dropped. If you run a traceroute to your opponent you see that you get no reply on many players because only ping you...
  8. M

    Most frustrating PES

    I don't understand why they don't use Servers. On XBOX Microsoft offers MS Cloud Servers for gaming - so WHY does Konami not use them?
  9. M

    Basic/Manual shooting

    I can't use manual shooting. If I use manual shooting my player needs MUCH too long until he shoots in online games :(
  10. M

    gameplay alone just doesn't do it

    I like Football too so I want to have a good Football game but FIFA is scripted on Ultimate team more than on other modes - so no I will never buy FIFA again and because the online experience in PES2015 is very bad (no Servers) - I will stop playing football game ! I will play other things -...
  11. M

    online gameplay experience deteriorating fast

    I also stopped playing FIFA because of the things you describe. But PES is the same ! It's no fun playing online. The Problem is Servers. If Konami want to have a better game than EA then they need Servers. On xbox one Microsoft offers the MS Cloud Servers for gaming. The most Issues would be...
  12. M

    Is there a fix for Button lag xbox one?

    Can't play the game. Not only Button lag is there but also my players needs hours to stop al ball. PES 2015 is the worst game ever played - and I played FIFA before........
  13. M

    Bug with coins

    I checked my stats on my club and then there popped many messags. You got 50 coins for played 60 games my club and son on. I now have 400 coins ! It seems that you don't get it the normal way but if you connect to your stats the Server check the stats and rewards you if you have achieved...
  14. M

    Online cheating....

    Microsoft should force companies like Konami to use MS Cloud Servers on XBOX one ! On Servers you can't lag cheat because all you can do is lag your own connection to the Servers. If you play games like Titanfall (they use MS Cloud Servers) you see that you sometimes also have lag - burt it's...
  15. M

    lag cheating s out of hand

    yes there are no servers. If there are Servers lag cheating is not possible because you can only lag your connection to the Server...... It's a shame that Konami don't use MS Cloud Servers ! If a game runs on Servers it's very hard to cheat !
  16. M

    Pes 15 online lag!!!!!!!!!!

    I have the same Problem - but since yesterday it's better. What helped me is to acitvate "wan ping" on my Router. On some Routers it's also called "internet ping". It's disabled because of security reasons but experts argue about. The Problem is: path MTU and so on doesn't work if you disable...
  17. M

    can't win a game

    what Servers are you talking about? There are no Servers for the Match. It's p2p !
  18. M

    scripting-momentum swing

    I'm not sure if Momentum or Scripting exists. But since I was in League 5 in Online Mode I can't win a game again. I loose ALL games an I'm now at league 9. I loose even against people who can 't defend. But my players don 't react they ALWAYS are too slow and I have Button lag all the time...
  19. M

    can't win a game

    all was fine until I was in League 5. Since then I have no chance and loose almost ALL Matches. ALL my Players don't respond on actions I have Button delay like hell. Also all players don't react. Ball stopping needs 5 hours...... The game gets slower and slower. Could it be that this...
  20. M

    PES 2015 Veteran's review

    Yes many player switched to PES because FIFA is crap - but this game is also not good. PES2015 should have the name - REAL WINS with long ball you are done......
