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Search results

  1. T

    Faces by bamabravesfan

    I've just noticed that the links bamabravesfan sent me before for Wanyama and Sane are from this guy too :D. Should've checked before asking haha. Apologies.
  2. T

    Faces by bamabravesfan

    Hey man, sorry for the delayed response. Thanks for those Prem faces a month of so back. They were perfect! If you don't mind, might I request Callum Wilson, Baba Rahman, Loftus-Cheek, and Kenedy? Thanks again.
  3. T

    Faces by bamabravesfan

    Ahh thanks so much! Got the main players Leicester finally looking proper. If you don't mind I'll throw a few more requests here: Wes Morgan, Odion Ighalo, Sadio Mane, Victor Wanyama. Thanks again man!
  4. T

    [LEAGUE] The Bundesliga Creation Thread 2015/16

    you're like a saviour around here with faces and instructions. thanks!!! :laugh::laugh::)
  5. T

    Faces by bamabravesfan

    Brilliant Schmeichel! Thanks again man. Much appreciated.
  6. T

    [LEAGUE] The Bundesliga Creation Thread 2015/16

    Just a quick question, is there a list out there that tells me what to set the default colours as for a team. Not a big fan of my Dortmund players wearing pink undershirts over their yellow jerseys
  7. T

    Faces by bamabravesfan

    YESSS. absolutely brilliant work again. can't thank you enough for this. If you don't mind, I'm probably just going to keep on requesting Premiership players. You don't have to do them haha. But if you can, could you possibly do Kante, Drinkwater, and Schmeichel (really want to make this...
  8. T

    Faces by bamabravesfan

    Sweet! Cannot wait. All your builds are top notch, mate.
  9. T

    Faces by bamabravesfan

    All I want for Christmas is a quality Riyad Mahrez build :)
  10. T

    Pes 2016 stuff megapack

    Sweet thanks for the reply. Been working hours on putting the J League, Bundesliga, and Premier League in. would be annoying if I had to put kits in again. Is there any post that would tell me what colors I can make for each clubs official color? thanks again.
  11. T

    Pes 2016 stuff megapack

    Well that sucks. I kind of got the hang of it after editing a lot over the weekend. But what I want to know is that once the update comes out with the transfers, all my edit data disappears anyway right? Also one more question, I just played a game where I was Arsenal vs Chelsea. I was...
  12. T

    Pes 2016 stuff megapack

    So I've downloaded the mega pack, used the USB on my PS4 and I've handpicked what I was going to import. I had no problems with Emblems and Logos but I ran into a bit of trouble with the kits. There's about 918 kits in the pack in total but apparently the number of images I can import is 344 or...
  13. T

    Player growth graphic

    Bumping this because I'm wondering the same thing
  14. T

    I'm about to self harm - please help

    I have benefited at times from this but it's mostly me chasing down defenders and wasting stamina for no reason at all... Yeah this is basically the method I've stuck to. It's a shame really. And the fact that it's only the shit teams that do this infuriates me. I won the FA Cup this...
  15. T

    I'm about to self harm - please help

    That doesn't sound like much fun at all. I've taken to just not touching my controller when the opposition gets the ball and letting them come into my final third. That's not how a game should be played :realmad::realmad::realmad:
  16. T

    I'm about to self harm - please help

    HAHAHA I only picked Wigan because I wanted a team that I recognise well and wouldn't seem out of place in the Premier Leauge :tongue: If it makes you feel any better, Bolton were my 2nd choice. I even signed Stu Holden! I play on Top Player difficulty but might amp it up to superstar...
  17. T

    I'm about to self harm - please help

    So I started a Wigan master league and I'm doing very well. I'm sitting pretty at the top of the table with only 3 losses at about midway through. Now, I know this game is suppose to be realistic and I love that about PES.... BUT I just cannot stand the AI passing around the back...
  18. T

    Pace in the game

    Yes 100% agree with this!!!
  19. T

    [PS3] paul2478 PES 2015 OF (BLES/BLUS/BLAS)

    Hey all, just wanted to say I solved the problem. I guess all I had to do was use the BLUS version. Brilliant edits. Thank you very much.
  20. T

    [PS3] paul2478 PES 2015 OF (BLES/BLUS/BLAS)

    I have a Japanese PS3 but my account and PSN store are from the Unites States. I live in California and I bought PES 2015 in American dollars as well.
