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Search results

  1. D

    [PES5] X-mas Patch

    I have a slight problem with burning the ISO using DVD Decryptor. It burns the ISO ok but it is only 13Mb ???? Obviously not write. What am I doing wrong ?
  2. D

    Help needed in playing a wireless game of WE9:UE on the PSP

    I have WE9:UE and I want to play a wireless game with a friend. I cannot understand Japanese, any ideas how to setup a wireless game ?
  3. D

    Xbox Max Drive - PLEASE HELP !

    I didn't think you could see the Max Drive for Xbox as a drive in My Computer ? Thought it was only for PS2. I may be wrong. I will send the Max Drive back and ask for a replacement.
  4. D

    Xbox Max Drive - PLEASE HELP !

    Thanks for replying. Yeah the key is set to unlocked so that is not the problem. The software is working fine and I can transfer saves to the Max Drive via my Xbox but when I plug it into my PC it doesn't seem to let me transfer anything to it or see the game saves that are on it now...
  5. D

    Xbox Max Drive - PLEASE HELP !

    I have just bought a Max Drive today and I am trying to copy over the option file but when I open the Max Drive PC Software, I am getting all the game saves in the right hand window which is great. But, when I try and drag the option file over to the left hand window, the Max Drive, nothing...
  6. D

    Where can I find the best Xbox option file for the Max Drive ?

    Where is the place to get the most up to date and best option file for the Xbox for use with the Max Drive ? I have not been on the forums for a long time and so I am a bit out of touch. Any help with this would be great. Thanks in advance, Daipac
  7. D

    Can I transfer an option file to my Xbox via Action Replay ?

    Cheers for the reply. I have an X-port for the PS2 but I have PES4 on the Xbox so it looks like I will have to get a Max Drive. Thanks for that. Dai
  8. D

    Can I transfer an option file to my Xbox via Action Replay ?

    Anybody ? Go on, you can answer........... you know you want to. :D
  9. D

    Can I transfer an option file to my Xbox via Action Replay ?

    I have seen all the option files for the Max Drive, are there any option files available for Action Replay ? If so, where can I download these ? Cheers....
  10. D

    PES4 - How does it play compared to PES3 ?

    Apologies in advance but I have been away from the boards for a long time and not really had a chance to play PES4 yet as I am waiting for it on Xbox because of the online play. Is PES4 much better than PES3 ? The thing that annoyed me about PES3 is that it was always tight in the midfield...
  11. D

    Datel X-port, will it work in Australia ?

    Thanks larsson, they are both listed as PAL, I just want to make sure before it starts its long journey to its new home. Dai
  12. D

    Datel X-port, will it work in Australia ?

    Want to send this item to my friend in Australia, will it work on his Australia PS2 ? UK and Aus are both PAL aren't they ? Your help would be much appreciated. Daipac
  13. D

    PES3 Option File Thread - PS2 only

    You need a tool called WINZIP, but the most recent option file from Georginho is in post #186 on this page and is already zipped up, so just download that and send it to them, it will be in the correct format for them then if they require it to zipped. Hope this helps ! Daipac PS Also...
  14. D

    PES3 Option File Thread - PS2 only

    Georginho, you got a PM mate.
  15. D

    PES3 Option File Thread - PS2 only

    Georginho, looks good man, makes things so much easier now. I downloaded your last option file on the 20th November, has much changed since then ? I spent last night changing a few things on there, some easy changes such as the nationalities of people like Macho, Huth, Sinama-Pongolle...
  16. D

    PES3 Option File Thread - PS2 only

    g, I agree, but there is just something about the way pesfan have done their editing that bothers me, also with duplicates and not knowing where the players are to edit and players that have been created when they are already in the game such as Appiah and Joe Cole. At the end of the day...
  17. D

    PES3 Option File Thread - PS2 only

    OK, I have been looking at CM 03/04 this morning to see if I could find the players that I need to complete my editing. Here is the list, sorted by nationality : *********************************************** Benhamou (PSG) ALG Olejnik (Aston Villa) AUT Juarez (Bologna) BRA Robson...
  18. D

    PES3 Option File Thread - PS2 only

    Cheers G, once I have finished all the editing then I will take a look at go about applying those changes. The editing is coming along, I decided against adding Stuttgart as I know nothing about them so I added Middlesborough instead as they are a bit closer to home and more relevant. When...
  19. D

    PES3 Option File Thread - PS2 only

    This site, using CM4 and also this site, I am also using message boards and help from anyone else who wants to give it really. If I am struggling to find a player's stats then I will use the CM4 converter. Also, not everything...
  20. D

    Christopher Eagles Apperance & Attributes

    I need this information too if someone can post his stats and appearence. Cheers.
