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Search results

  1. P

    [PC] PES 2011 - PES SMoKE Patch 3.0

    Am I only the only one seeding, not going the chance until tomorrow to install it at this rate.
  2. P

    [PC] PES 2011 - PES SMoKE Patch 3.0

    Good to know thanks, I've had 11 for over a week now but but off installing it to wait for your patch, but ended up installing it last night as I can't wait any longer lol. I was just going to search for another but can easily wait for yours now.
  3. P

    BROADCAST-WIDE camera!!

    I had already, and googling just brings up the demo patch. I've set the kitserver option to 9 but it's nothing like in the video.
  4. P

    BROADCAST-WIDE camera!!

    Can anyone point me in the direction of the patch for the full game please?
  5. P

    [PC] PES 2010 - PES SMoKE Patch series

    For me, 2.4, Perfect! Thank you.
  6. P

    [PC] PES 2010 - PES SMoKE Patch series

    Get seeding guys, I wanted a game with 2.4 tonight but at this rate it's going to have to be tomorrow.
  7. P

    [PC] PES 2010 - PES SMoKE Patch series

    I have removed those files but there is still a conflict with the screen at the start of every match, everything else is fine.
  8. P

    [PC] PES 2010 - PES SMoKE Patch series

    Hi Dido. I'm trying to use the Canal Scoreboard, but I'm having an issue with the screen at the start of matches, where the bottom half is white, and the team emblems sit on top of the Canal logo. Which files do I need to remove to get the default match start screen?
  9. P

    [PC] PES 2010 - PES SMoKE Patch series

    Have you run as administrator?
  10. P

    Need help in updating patch

    Have you 3 actually "installed" it, or running a "reloaded" version, because if it's the latter, although the game will play, it doesn't get installed as such, that it can be updated.
  11. P

    SM PATCH (All Updates)

    You need a "nocd" v1.2 PES2010.exe.
  12. P

    Convert Sky HD Fantasy Scoreboard?

    Hi. This is the scoreboard I used for 2009... Sky HD Fantasy And wondered if it could be converted for 2010, or needs converting at all?
  13. P

    SM PATCH (All Updates)

    And just a suggestion, but perhaps in your next update you could include a few scoreboards so we can choose the one we want. I think the Sky one looks tacky, and I'm yet to find a decent Sky one for 2010 that I like, so had been using the Canal one as it's a lot slicker than most I've seen so far.
  14. P

    Need help in updating patch

    Cracked copies?
  15. P

    PES2010 Windows 7?

    Runs fine for me on Windows 7 x64 Ultimate.
  16. P

    SM PATCH (All Updates)

    You need to find a patched official patch, then you can install this patch. :)
  17. P

    [PC] PS3 buttons instead of Xbox?

    It use to annoy me, but now I use a DS3 so it's no longer an issue.
  18. P

    SM PATCH (All Updates)

    3.7 is no good for me then =) Although I do play it everyday, so perhaps I should just go buy it.
  19. P

    Remove name tags above players?

    Thanks for that!
  20. P

    PS2 Controller Issues

    Just noticed it's a PS2 pad you're talking about. I use a DS3 using the drivers from motionjoy, and the xbox emulator works perfect on Windows 7 Ultimate.
