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Search results

  1. A

    ml best young players?

    I bought him on my second season and he was 16 or 17... He is now 17 on my third season.
  2. A

    ml best young players?

    Uchida... 16 yrs old and already has 73...
  3. A

    ML Fastest Players

    lennon is now the fastest player in the whole game and he playes for me... He now has 99 overall.
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    if you move the keeper (move- not dive) to the direction, he will save it.
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    why is 8 the highest rating?

    I scored 4 goals and an assist with torres, why does he deserve only an 8?
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    1. Tap (not hold) the shoot button. 2. Halfway through the run up, hold the D-pad (left or right) for about half a second. 3. If you want to get hight to your shot, do the same as 2 (^) and hold the up (^) button for half a second. 4. If you want to chip your shot, do the same as 3 (^), but with...
  7. A

    Uploading saved replay's to youtube

    mine too, as a I have a crappy monitor and a crappy camera...
  8. A

    Music in PES 2011

    My faves: Theo - Apples Cousins Sweet disposition Armistice Crystalized (Rory Phillips' remix) I've downloaded all of them...
  9. A

    can you make a player for player tansfer?

    like Barce gave inter Eto'o, and got Ibrahimovic.
  10. A

    How are you doing in Master League?

    1st season: Cech Palmiery Pique Bosingwa Cissokho Essien Hamsik Lennon Balotelli Aguero Torres Started a new ML without classic players, after I destroyed every game with R. Baggio and Rijkaard... Essien, Torres and Bosingwa develop very quickly, while Lampard, Drogba...
  11. A

    How are you doing in Master League?

    1st season: Cech Palmiery Pique Bosingwa Cissokho Essien Hamsik Lennon Balotelli Aguero Torres Started a new ML without classic players, after I destroyed every game with R. Baggio and Rijkaard... Essien, Torres and Bosingwa develop very quickly, while Lampard, Drogba and A. Cole are goin...
  12. A

    Playing ML offline is fun, but against a friend it is crap

    my game speed is 0, but because I'm playing with a 4:3 screen, it seems faster than a o speed on a 16:9 screen.
  13. A

    Playing ML offline is fun, but against a friend it is crap

    I started playing ML and I'm having a blast of a time, scoring lots of goals, playing a good passing game and have most of the possesion. But recently when I play my friends, the game becomes a speedy obstacle course, as me and my opponent can't connect 5 passes together. Me and my mates play...
  14. A

    ML history?

    I'm playing offline, because my internet connection is bad... I don't see a reason for them to take out the offline mode, it's a blu-ray disc, so it's not like their saving space for something else. I'm not so techno-advanced so I don't know if what I said was meaningful.
  15. A

    PES Rage Thread: Rage till your heart's content...

    sorry for being a dick, but I call fake on this.
  16. A

    Pes 2012 ps2

    you have dogheads on the PS2? O_O
  17. A

    KONAMI - Fix this... 2v2 Community

    so effin true! and another related moan- why when we play 2 vs 2 on community, the wins or loses don't count on the statistics page?
  18. A

    Futsal In PES 2012?

    I think that Konami should consider it, but only after they fix the rather broken game they've come up with. If they do this, it will be a few years untill we would see it- it's like building a totally new game.
  19. A

    First timing a lobbed through

    My exact same problem... I'm getting tired of placing a fantastib lobbed through ball that cuts straight through the defence, just to see my forward staring at the ball as it passes him and goes to the keeper's hands. I don't think it's something I'm doing wrong, because I've tried to hit the...
  20. A

    Using Classic Teams for World Cup

    no can douzville... they can only be used in exhibition mode :(
