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Search results

  1. T

    Spanish commentary

    I've also got pes 2009 on 360. Does anyone know why Konami decided to drop Spanish commentary from the 360.
  2. T

    (Xbox 360) Using a Cd

    ok cheers, is there any other way to tranfer an option file then?
  3. T

    Spanish commentary

    I am really annoyed becuase I loved the Spanish commentary in pes 2008.
  4. T

    Spanish commentary

    The European one
  5. T

    Spanish commentary

    Hi, how do you get spanish commentary on pes 2009? The only commentary language choices I get are English French and German.
  6. T

    (Xbox 360) Using a Cd

    Hi, can I use a CD to transfer an option file to my 360 instead of a Datel Memory Unit transfer Kit
  7. T

    Saving Commentary Language - Didn't work in 2008 - Strikes again in 2009

    How do you get spanish commentary on pes 2009? The only commentary language choices I get are English French and German.
  8. T

    good buys for not so good teams...

    doyle is a suprisingly good striker and improves quite well
  9. T

    best formation

    cheers for the posts keep them coming
  10. T

    best formation

    those goals were quality
  11. T

    Liverpool tactic

    cheers for the detailed answer
  12. T

    best formation

    sounds good might try that
  13. T

    Nov/Dec GOTM - Cheeky Adriano Finish

    very nice, good through ball
  14. T

    Help please

    i think your laser might be bust i had a slim line and after a while it wouldnt start reading my games becasue of the laser. so I got a 360 lol
  15. T

    Drogba Problem

    ok cheers ill try that
  16. T

    Drogba Problem

    hi, I doing a Chelsea master league and Drobga isn't scoring to well and hes a key player. So could you please suggest what foramtion hed suit. Also who would be his best partener up front from the Chelsea squad. thanks in advance
  17. T

    Liverpool tactic

    This is a copy of the "Arsenal tactic" thread by maya. Execpt this is for all Liverpool fans. So please post your tactics,line-ups and general hints and tips for Liverpool.
  18. T

    Which team to be

  19. T

    flair players

    Me again, this time i was just wondering what would be your ultimate team of flair players i.e. players who can dribble,shoot and score great goals and just play good all round football For example heres mine:- GKida LB:Ashley cole RB:Cafu CB:Vandenne Borre CB:Kompany DM:Emerson...
