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Search results

  1. D

    Ronaldo (Brazilian)

  2. D

    D5 Cup coach mode (13.50)

    Right now i am in shock. Have batteld away in a d5 coach cup, made it to the last 16 for the 1st time. won my last 16 match 2- nil. it goes to the tournament menu, saying i have 18 mins until my QF game. so i decide to do a few contracts for my boys. After i do this, i go back to competition...
  3. D

    [XBOX] PES2012 PESGaming League

    blockd23 could be on at any point in the day, as i have a week off work. So add me and if im on we will play.
  4. D

    ~DAYMOS OPE ELITE PES2012 /WE2012 Npower & Bundesliga OF~

    nice work mate, just got my copy of pes, now time to pimp it up! big respect to daymos and his crew.
  5. D

    Can somebody please explain the "realism' in

    well that was some read guys!! i only came on here to find out what people were saying about BAL as i started it today. Not that impressed by it compared to the 1st version 2 years ago, but its early days i suppose. Anyway i have been entertained by all these comments and counter comments...
  6. D

    The 'How are you doing in MLO' thread

    Had a real good look at Higuian, and even played a few games as Real Madrid to get a feel for him. But in the end i let my heart rule over my head and bought el nino! So far so good, he has blasted me to my first final in ages and my team seems to have a better feel about it. The only issue now...
  7. D

    PES 2011 Online Cheaters List

    Fair play for setting this up, i was actually about to do a pettition for everybody to sign to demand a change, then i came across this thread. Its a pure piss take. im in the D4 cup earlier today with 10 mins left of the tourney, need a win to make the last 16. go 2 nil up in the second half...
  8. D

    The 'How are you doing in MLO' thread

    My attack has gone a bit stale lately, finding goals hard to come by. Have managed to hustle up 5 mil. Any suggestions for a decent striker. wanted Torres as im a lliverpool boy but cant wait for another 3 mil!!!
  9. D


    I did just that playa. got to page 36 and read what Mkaybad86 wrote. And after months of trying 1.2 and now 2.0 I GOT THIS BADBOY WORKING!!!!! The option file is off the hook bruv. i will deffinatley be sending you some p's in the next few days. You must be enjoying the chance to actually play...
  10. D


    Tried what you said, the 1st part worked fine but it crashed as soon as i tried the 2nd part. Are you using a memory card and xport 360 to transfer the files? i have a 256 mb memory card, maybe i need a bigger memory card???
  11. D

    Daymos Elite PES2011 & WE2011 Option File V1.1

    still no luck player! tried copying the files one by one and it crashed when i got to uniform 254! the second last one!! FML!!
  12. D

    Daymos Elite PES2011 & WE2011 Option File V1.1

    Just gave it a go copying the files individually, and it was going well until the damn thing crashed on uniform 254!!!! the second last 1! and it wiped all the files i copied. killing me man!!! tried what Daymos said too, and it still wont do it, never had a problem at all with 1.1 but 1.2 just...
  13. D

    Daymos Elite PES2011 & WE2011 Option File V1.1

    Hello People, was just wondering if any of you guys using the old method of xport 360 were having any problems with version 1.2? i have version 1.0, but when i try and copy the files over xport keeps crashing on me. the one time i manged to get them all copied the sponsers were not on the kits...
  14. D

    Pes 2011 xbox 360 edit mode discussion

    Hello People, was just wondering if any of you guys using the old method of xport 360 were having any problems with version 1.2? i have version 1.0, but when i try and copy the files over xport keeps crashing on me. the one time i manged to get them all copied the sponsers were not on the kits...
  15. D

    The 'How are you doing in MLO' thread

    Do you know what time the Division updates take place? I am in a promotion spot right now, but its not moved me yet. Dont wanna take any chances!
  16. D

    The 'How are you doing in MLO' thread

    not that i know of mate, they should though! damn fools!! i'm waiting to enter 1 in a few mins and i bet i get a shed load agian
  17. D

    The 'How are you doing in MLO' thread

    I have been lucky and got into every tourney i have tried entering. just got knocked out in the semi finals of the D5 Cup, after losing 2-0 with 10 men. had a crazy run, but was helped alot by the idiots that kept doing teir own goal thingy (get a life boys)!! i have signed rustu in goal, and...
  18. D

    Stadium Editor - AD-BOARDS collection

    can these be used on the xbox version? Cheers
  19. D

    Pes 2011 xbox 360 edit mode discussion

    how exactly does this work mate? never heard of modio before!
  20. D


    Not too sure on that one mate, i ordered yesterday, and was sent an email to confirm the order but they never said if they would email again once the order was despatched
