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some people are pathetic just cant wait to stick a jibe in about Chelsea jst comment on the goal which i thought was good especially with a player like Maka
could any1 e-mail me the formula to design the most popular boots out e.g Nike vapours, mercurials, legends, adidas F50+ etc. In game editing please if possible a screenshot of what they look like thanks
[email protected]
Nike Legend
Nike Air Zoom Total 90 both with the ticks on both sides and the big 90 on 1 side
non editable:
Adidas Dragon Pulse (beckham)
Adidas f50+ gold white (riise)
Adidas Pred Pulse Blue (lampard + crespo)
Nike Mercurial Vapour white red (Henry)
Nike Mercurial Vapour...
its gotta be Denilson for me he wins me around 15 free kicks a game and in 1 game won 4 penalties (diver? maybe) but he lead my assists and goalscoring charts in my La Liga campaign
looks absolutely impressive good job fellas i hope to be playing pes4 in the same way u guys should be signed up by Konami you are absolute ledgends i pray to god it works for me!! :D
Hey guys first time posting im currently downloading jonboyo's patch but i see no1 is seeding if anybody seeds i promise to always keep it available for any1 else this is totally selfish and makes me sick