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Search results

  1. P

    PES6: The Debate

    I bought it for 360 and I am seriously gutted about the lack of features, I mean what were they thinking? But as for graphics/gameplay then I guess it wins me over but I don't much care for the animations such as bookings etc. and the way it jumps at thrown-ins? wtf emm.. the menu is shit as is...
  2. P

    Merouane Zemmama

    That's it man I knew i'd know if I seen it, I worked him out anyway so thnx anyway
  3. P

    [ALL] PES5 Watson V4.0 Option File: Season 2006/2007 Update

    I selected then pressed the delete key then inserted the folder
  4. P

    [ALL] WSAG Evolution V3 Option File

    Mate never mind the stats they are fine! my game is 100% smoother now that stats etc. have been updated and I think there fine, So ignore the 1 posters
  5. P

    [ALL] WSAG Evolution V3 Option File

    Please just FUCK OFF! your like an old women, fuck me how hard is it to put Shrek into the squad emm like what 4 button pushes & If you don't like the formations guess what dumbass you can change them! yeah I know weird isn't it? oh and Blue doesn't really have to validate himself to you...
  6. P

    Merouane Zemmama

    Anyone think they could help me make this guy, plays midfield for Hibernian FC Just mainly his appearance I need help with & for some strange reason I can't find where he was born lol This should help
  7. P

    The best player in the game

    Shaun Wright-Phillips for me!
  8. P

    [ALL] WSAG Evolution V3 Option File

    OMFG again I say thank you to Blue and Magoo I got the OF working last night and have played it since the strips and badges look amazing and the transfers are spot on & I don't know why people moan about stupid things this is solid as is mate I for example I checked out Celtic first and I am...
  9. P

    [ALL] WSAG Evolution V3 Option File

    Great work Blue & Magoo I downloaded the file and quickly scanned the tut will try get it on my box when I get home from work, Thnx again lads I will post up what I think when I play it
  10. P

    [ALL] WSAG Evolution V3 Option File

    Make him then?
  11. P

    [ALL] WSAG Evolution V3 Option File

    Yep, I haven't D/L yet so can't comment on whether he has or not
  12. P

    [ALL] WSAG Evolution V3 Option File

    I think it's the 32 Teams but maybe he has replaced a Cup with the CL not sure
  13. P

    [ALL] WSAG Evolution V3 Option File

    Cool beans bro.
  14. P

    [ALL] WSAG Evolution V3 Option File

    Blue do you know If Magoo will post a mini tutorial on how to get the OF working on the 360 because so far just messing around trying to get stuff on my 360 and its hard lol book doesn't help much either
  15. P

    [ALL] WSAG Evolution V3 Option File

    Damn can't wait I got 1 hour and 20 minutes before I have to be in the shower for work
  16. P

    [ALL] WSAG Evolution V3 Option File

    C'mon Magoo with the 360 version my XSATA arrived today and I am sitting here bitting my nails lol
  17. P

    [ALL] WSAG Evolution V3 Option File

    Looks fucking immense can't wait to play it just waiting on the 360 file and would it be possible to get a small tut showing how to get it on 360 aswell? Cheers, Blue.
  18. P

    Man U Licensed?

    I 100% agree on that mate.
  19. P

    Option File. HELP?

    Oh cool thnx for clearing that up and yeah tis a bit pricey
