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Search results

  1. W

    Bring back DEMO dribbling!!

    demo was good part from the silly fouls the full game feels like a graphical update of 19 with the same flaws awful game.
  2. W

    PC account verification error

    That's what i'm hoping that's why i wanted to see if others are having the same problem.
  3. W

    PC account verification error

    Can anyone that's got the pc version (Steam) tell me if online is working for them for some reason I've got account verification error code QIMJ693_0.
  4. W

    PES 2016 Demo Discussion

    A few questions: Does the ai still mainly attack down the wings and rarely if ever cross the ball into the box instead try to dribble the way through? if you have a player in an offside position does your pass aim for that player when you clearly was not aiming for him still? Corners is 1...
  5. W

    [PS3 UK] GTM / OPE PES 2013 Option File (BLES 01708)

    movieman34 just go to transfers and search his name you should find him. One thing i would have liked to have seen purely cause i hate caps is all the names done in special using w!Ld@ but that's obviously down to how you would prefer to have it also i think you should change the naming of the...
  6. W

    Demo 1: Constructive Criticism

    More variation in positioning of attacking players for corners and maybe there should be an option to how many players you want in the box instead of default number for every team. On the same lines as corners really from goal-kicks we need players moving about some coming short etc instead of...
  7. W

    Your playing style?

    I love to break all fast players legs well i would if the game would let you tackle them they all seem to have superman powers and run through you part from that like to mix it up depends on the situation.
  8. W

    cheaters pes 2012 master league online cancel match

    Have you tried reporting them to konami? i'm sure if the same person keeps getting reported then something will be done.
  9. W

    PES 2013 - First game play trailer

    [OFFICIAL] PES 2013 PlayerID ProActive AI Gameplay Video 01 [E3 2012] ucS3Dr00Dhc [OFFICIAL] PES 2013 PES FullControl Gameplay Video 02 [E3 2012] BaR0M9rS-yQ
  10. W


    Nothing you can do about it but if you really want to see your goals then watch them at the end of the match.
  11. W

    Konami, you have ruined the series.

    Pretty much agree with everything asbestos has said pes12 is the first time i haven't bought a pes/iss game since i can't remember feels like all my team mates have been struck with dumbness i mean how can a ball go through your players legs after traveling 50 yards. As for one on one i've...
  12. W

    How to avoid a 3-0 Forfeit Loss to a cheater

    Thanks for the info but a shame your just like everyone else that plays the game it's all about the fast players so boring playing teams like yours.
  13. W

    0 Gate Receipts after every ML Open match

    Emergency Network Maintenance will be held during the below times: 16:00 - 19:00 03/04/2012(UTC) Please note that the Online Service will be suspended during these times and maintenance may be extended if required. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding...
  14. W

    [COMMENTARY] Team name packs

    I am slowly gowing through player names i'll have a quick scan through now see if i can find it. edit: found it you might want to also check my thread out
  15. W

    [PS3]Team Commentary Question

    you could give the ones i've ripped a try i'm not saying it's perfect but when i did check them last week i didnt think they sounded to bad but until i get the game i can't check properly like i want to. If it is to quiet just adjust the same one a few times first one by 1db then 2db etc til...
  16. W

    English Commentary Team Names

    I can find the audio files just saying no team names were mentioned.
  17. W

    English Commentary Team Names

    Well just checked 2009 same as 2008 couldn't find any audio for team names.
  18. W

    English Commentary Team Names

    where myzer upped the volume on his the ones i checked sounded destroyed beyond use imo. I've also thought about cutting parts to make names but doubt it will come out that great. Also i still havent bought the game so doing this makes it a bit harder not being able to check stuff can't...
  19. W

    English Commentary Team Names

    English Commentary Audio Files For Team\Stadium\Player Names Heres a list of the team names i've got so far I've tested only the english team audios on the ps3 and all worked fine only strange thing is when you add them in edit mode the audio doesn't play when you...
  20. W

    [COMMENTARY] Team name packs

    I know there unamed just saying im not sure if the commentator said team names as far back as 2008 maybe im wrong heres a list of all the ones i've got so far hopefully i can get more
