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Search results

  1. M

    How are you doing in Master League?

    is so hard to sign good players the value and stuff...:/
  2. M

    Mrgametight's US BASE OF

    after update german players went missin but everythin else is great/ alot of missin teams n can u add singapore national team in please.
  3. M

    America Option-File

    so theres a new update from konami? & also do i download n delete mrgame OF n instal shady's?
  4. M

    Mrgametight's US BASE OF

    ty mate u are great help lol. btw im like #1 best player in Metal gear online so u should be honored lmao. hey add my psn its i_MoMoMo we chat there
  5. M

    Mrgametight's US BASE OF

    o can u sent me link bro my computer is so slow that it takes fuk*in a long time to load a page i got to fix my wXP up lol but plz link wit it i bookmark this page lol. ty
  6. M

    Mrgametight's US BASE OF

    its a great OF me and my friend stayed up all night playing it. but theres a few things missin but just minor info for u the future. its a great MA OF..can u do all national non lincese wit real jersey n real names that would be great but alloott of time. but if u do plz let me kno so i...
  7. M

    ps3 pes 2010 chants and option file

    the last OF is for NA? can anyone tell me the best NA out wit all chants and stuff thanks.
  8. M

    America Option-File

    i got MR.s OF but is this the same Mr Of's option file n lil more updates added to it? or is Mr.GAmethings the recent one?
  9. M

    ISS ULTIMATE Patch V3 PES2010 PS3 [By WEmerica & Keuch]

    all u have to answer right now is NA of or EU of. thats the important thing before going any further. i think its for EU. and also i wish sum had sumthing like this for NA. :/
