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Search results

  1. S

    "I don't like PES'09" Hate it? Well let us know here and only here.

    man u 4 life I am most dissapointed with pes 09,kenwyene jones have a bald head,la liga not fully liscence since when,cant transfers logos from previous version 08,other leagues c have only two teams that could be replaced,pes and we united,no TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO national team only when u play...
  2. S

    [PS2 & PSP] pategato & red-town American OF

    ps 3 option file can anyone help me find a completed option file for ps 3 that is similar to pategato ps 2 file.
  3. S

    [PS2 & PSP] pategato & red-town American OF

    pes 2007 Hey pategato do u have a complete option file for pes 2007 us version with updated january transfers?Thanks for that amazing option file for pes 2008
  4. S

    Pategato & red-town American OF (W.I.P)

    pes 2008 option file for ps2 us version? please email me that perfect option file when it is [email protected] please bro,please!!!
  5. S

    Pategato & red-town American OF (W.I.P)

    PES 2008 OPTION FILE US VERSION?in progress please email me that option file when it is completed.please!!
