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Search results

  1. M

    [19/03]★SammyGunner11’s★PES13★PS 3OF★U SVersion

    Titan, is this updated from the version released last week or is it identical? Thanks!
  2. M

    Tactics thread 2013

    Has anyone saved these tactics into a PS3 option file? I'm very interested in using them, it's obviously a lot of work to try to put them all in myself. Thanks in advance!
  3. M

    [BLUS31029] SammyGunner11's PES2013 PS3 Option File [US Version]

    Implementing the team tactics would be very time consuming, but so worth it. Has anyone implemented the tactics with the previous OF?
  4. M

    [PS3 - BLUS31029] PES 2013 MLS, NASL & USL Pro Option File

    Still planning an update here or is this a final version? Your work is much appreciated! Thanks!
  5. M

    [PS3 - BLUS31029] PES 2013 MLS, NASL & USL Pro Option File

    Any chance you can do Livestrong Sporting Park for Sporting KC?
  6. M

    [EXPORTS] BLUS Team & Stadium Sharing Thread

    I get about 85% downloaded and got the same message as before. Error: Unable to write to output file Irrecoverable Error: Output write error. EDIT: Very Strange. Tried it a 3rd time with no errors.
  7. M

    [EXPORTS] BLUS Team & Stadium Sharing Thread

    I got an error as well about 2/3 through.
  8. M

    What happened to the cutscenes during subs and is there a difficulty jump?

    Not sure about cut scenes, but the difficulty does appear to be tougher. I would switch between Top Player And Superstar previously, but now I'm playing a really good game against professional. CPU is playing less direct, but I am seeing some things out of them I never saw before on more...
  9. M

    [Option File | PS3 | USA] Mrgametight's Base Option File

    Look around on the forum. It's pretty evident that there's an issue with the update. Gosh...
  10. M

    [EXPORTS] BLUS Team & Stadium Sharing Thread

    When I attempted to Import a few days ago I was getting the same messages you were. Haven't tried it since.
  11. M

    [EXPORTS] BLUS Team & Stadium Sharing Thread

    Was this ever looked into or corrected at all? I hadn't seen any updates in regards to this, but maybe I missed it? TIA!
  12. M

    No league mode in pes this year

    I'm an entirely offline player, and up until this year always played FIFA. Got PES this year and have ZERO REGRETS. No league mode is a negative, but it by no means ruins the game. Still the best soccer game I've ever played.
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    If you can take control and clear it out yourself rather than depend on the CPU you'll see more success. I had trouble at first too, but after playing more and more I've been able to defend crosses/headers much better.
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    I don't have a problem with the way headers were done. I haven't scored off many, but more times than not, if my cross is accurate and I have position on the defender in the box, it's a goal. I have seen the CPU score on several flicks off the head that weren't straight on, which I thought was...
  15. M

    No league mode in pes this year

    I'm glad you can pull a number out of your ass. The point is, no matter what percentage of people play league mode, why remove it? As games move forward their should be additions that make the game better, and never certain modes completely removed. Consider this. I've played FIFA the past...
