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Search results

  1. zainchelski

    [BLES01406] GTM Pes World PES 2012 of [ps3 uk]

    yo yo glen m8 grt work as always and all involved was just wondering will my teddy bears be done in the final update m8 as i love my oldfirms lol
  2. zainchelski

    [BLES01406] GTM Pes World PES 2012 of [ps3 uk]

    no we cant as its GTMS file and GTMS file only
  3. zainchelski

    [BLES01407] paul2478 2012 PS3 Option File

    as always paul class file m8 so glad i dont do files anymore only formation and tactics if u need any help with that just message me i send u my graphs for all teams
  4. zainchelski

    [TACTICS] The Real-Life Tactic Creation Thread

    let me get this right guys all these tactics are done on a stard tactics cause if u try go long ball like ur gunners 2nd one says the tactics cant go in ie player support and so on ?
  5. zainchelski

    [BLES01407] GTM Pro World PES 2012 of [ps3 EU]

    he does that every year lol
  6. zainchelski

    [BLES01407] GTM Pro World PES 2012 of [ps3 EU]

    GTM U ARE THE GODS OF THIS I went and bought uk version also because wasnt sure u was going to do this one also like i said GODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. zainchelski

    [BLES01407] Roigafni Option File PS3

    have u took over GTM FILE ?
  8. zainchelski

    Online Quitting

    u get banned until u get ur %bk up above 70% hence why rufus and hanzo RMD and so on are all cheating still then just play freindlys to up there % again its a joke konami sort it out just punish the players that dc
  9. zainchelski

    [BLES01407] Roigafni Option File PS3

    any news on when 1 0 1 release as my world teams strips all wrong now
  10. zainchelski

    [BLES01406] GTM Pes World PES 2012 of [ps3 uk]

    well am screwed mine is 4107 but will buy another copy on friday maybe wait n see as rainey is doing the 01407 file
  11. zainchelski

    Online Quitting

    Now played 5 won 1 the rest have been disconnected by other users scared to play anymore as it is so sad might aswell just throw this piece of garbage in the bin as no1 can take lossing so konami punish the proper players and the sad thing is I don't play ranked yet this is all on friendlies
  12. zainchelski

    Online Quitting

    Even in friendly they do it konami have to look at this played 3 won lost 1 won two but both dces on me and now i got a BELOW 40% ffs
  13. zainchelski

    PES2012 Best MLO Players?

    what bles code is urs
  14. zainchelski

    Pes 12 online

    what bles are u all using
  15. zainchelski

    [BLES01406] GTM Pes World PES 2012 of [ps3 uk]

    the arabic one is out now but am scared to buy it incase it dont work online in uk or the uk bles is 408 as the arabic one is 407 a was looking at it 1 hour ago
  16. zainchelski

    G.T.M Pro World pes 2011 OF (PS3/UK)

    yo glen and mighty i have found a way to make ur file in one whole file if u would like it and like to put it on ur website so they dont have to download every file one by one its over 280 mb let me know k guys
  17. zainchelski

    G.T.M Pro World pes 2011 OF (PS3/UK)

    i was right my ml is screwed lmao aww well start all over again
  18. zainchelski

    G.T.M Pro World pes 2011 OF (PS3/UK)

    i been playing this and fifa and done all tranfers and get to use them online in ranked matches pisses every1 off lol
  19. zainchelski

    G.T.M Pro World pes 2011 OF (PS3/UK)

    my m8 by passed it by entering the websit in online and then hit download center and scrolled down to 1.5 try that m8
