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Search results

  1. Wilsiton9524

    [PS3] Muta's J.League 2014 Team Exports BLES

    Even these with this project? I would like to collaborate with some faces :D. I Love this League !
  2. Wilsiton9524

    [LEAGUE] The J. League Creation Thread – Season 2013

    Diganme que jugadores necesitan, estoy dispuesto a colaborar de nuevo. :D Tell me that players need, am willing to collaborate again. :D
  3. Wilsiton9524

    [TOURNAMENT] World Cup 2014 Creation Thread

    My face of Endo :D
  4. Wilsiton9524

    [LEAGUE] The J. League Creation Thread – Season 2013

    Estoy de vuelta. Volveré a colaborar con la construcción de caras. :D. Diganme cuales caras necesitan ? I'm back. I'll be back to work with the construction of faces. :D. Tell me which faces need?
  5. Wilsiton9524

    [LEAGUE] The J. League Creation Thread – Season 2013

    Mejor sigamos con el Chibchombiano. LOL
  6. Wilsiton9524

    [LEAGUE] The J. League Creation Thread – Season 2013

    Mejor sigamos con el Chibchombiano. LOL
  7. Wilsiton9524

    [LEAGUE] The J. League Creation Thread – Season 2013

    Check this link, there are all the sponsors.
  8. Wilsiton9524

    Kits PNG By Wilsiton9524

    Kits clásicos de Japón y Chile PES 2014 / Classic Kits of Japan and Chile JAPAN AND CHILE CCLASSIC KITS KIT IN VIDEO: PNG's: Suscribanse a mi canal de...
  9. Wilsiton9524

    Kits PNG By Wilsiton9524

    Kits locales de EE.UU y Corea Mundial 2014/ Home kits of USA and Korea WC2014 PES2014 USA AND KOREA HOME KITS WC 2014 KITS IN VIDEO: PNG's...
  10. Wilsiton9524

    Kits PNG By Wilsiton9524

    Thank you. I hope that you realize their own uniforms and to publish them to see how good they are ;)
  11. Wilsiton9524

    [LEAGUE] The J. League Creation Thread – Season 2013

    Kit de Albiirex Niigata / Kit of Albiirex Niigata - Hola a todos, estoy de vuelta. Aqui les dejo mi nuevo aporte. El nuevo kit de Albiirex Niigata. Disfruten. - Hello everyone, I'm back. Here I leave my new contribution. New kit Albiirex Niigata. Hope you enjoy...
  12. Wilsiton9524

    Kits PNG By Wilsiton9524

    Kit local y visitante de Holanda / Home and away kit of Netherlands PES 2014 (PC, XBO NETHERLANDS HOME AND AWAY KITS Kit local / Home kit: Como construirlo COLORES: (1)Naranja claro: (59, 21, 0) (2)Naranja oscuro: (55, 13, 0) (3)Negro: (0, 0, 0) (4)Blanco: (0, 0...
  13. Wilsiton9524

    [FACES] Wilsiton9524 PES 2014 Faces

    DAVIDS ( Holanda clasica ) PES 2014 Edgar Davids STATS IN VIDEO: Suscribanse a mi canal de YouTube Suscribe for my YouTube channel My YouTube channel: My blog...
  14. Wilsiton9524

    Kits PNG By Wilsiton9524

    Kit local de Venezuela / Home kit of Venezuela PES 2014 VENEZUELA HOME KIT COLORES: (1)Vinotinto: (27, 10, 11) (2)Plateado: (42, 42, 41) (3)Amarillo: (35, 35, 0) (4)Negro: (0, 0, 0) CAMISETA Diseño basico: 4 (1) Diseño 1: 17 (2) Diseño 2: 15 (2) Diseño 3: 42 (2)...
  15. Wilsiton9524

    Kits PNG By Wilsiton9524

    Kit de Albirex Niigata / Kit of Albirex Niigata ALBIREX NIIGATA HOME KIT Como construirlo COLORES: (1)Azul: (6, 14, 33) (2)Naranja: (56, 21, 5) (3)Amarillo: (35, 25, 0) CAMISETA Diseño basico: 2 (2) Diseño 1: 17 (1) Diseño 2: 15 (2) Diseño 3: 6 (2) Diseño 4: 42...
  16. Wilsiton9524

    [FACES] Wilsiton9524 PES 2014 Faces

    SAMARAS ( Celtic FC & Grecia NT ) PES 2014 Georgios Samaras STATS IN VIDEO: STATS: PEINADO / HAIRSTYLE: Largo, liso, 34 - Short, Straight, 34 (13, 10, 7) FRONTAL / FRONT: A: (+3,-7), B: (+7,-1), C: (+7,+4), D: (+4,+0), E...
  17. Wilsiton9524

    [FACES] Wilsiton9524 PES 2014 Faces

    ADURIZ (Atletic de Bilbao ) PES 2014 Aritz Aduriz STATS IN VIDEO: STATS: PEINADO / HAIRSTYLE: Corto, liso, 22 - Short, Straight, 22 (15, 13, 12) FRONTAL / FRONT: A: (+1,-3), B: (+5,-4), C: (+7,+3), D: (+7,-4), E...
  18. Wilsiton9524

    [FACES] Wilsiton9524 PES 2014 Faces

    F. FERREYRA ( Shaktar Donetsk ) PES 2014 Facundo Ferreyra STATS IN VIDEO: STATS: PEINADO / HAIRSTYLE: Corto, liso, 34 - Short, Straight, 34 (11, 10, 9) FRONTAL / FRONT: A: (+2,-4), B: (+7,-5), C: (+7,+5), D: (+7,+1)...
  19. Wilsiton9524

    [FACES] Wilsiton9524 PES 2014 Faces

    IÑIGO ( Real Sociedad ) PES 2014 Iñigo Martínez STATS IN VIDEO STATS PEINADO / HAIRSTYLE: Corto, liso, 28 - Short, Straight, 28 (25, 19, 12) FRONTAL / FRONT: A: (+2,-7), B: (+7,-5), C: (+3,+5), D: (-1,+3), E: (-3,+3)...
  20. Wilsiton9524

    [FACES] Wilsiton9524 PES 2014 Faces

    AGUSTÍN ORIÓN ( Boca Juniors & Argentina NT ) PES 2014 Agustín Orión STATS IN VIDEO: STATS: PEINADO / HAIRSTYLE: Corto, liso, 58 - Short, Straight, 58 (15, 13, 12) FRONTAL / FRONT: A: (+1,-7), B: (-3,-7), C: (+7,+3), D...
