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Search results

  1. Rangers_Fureva

    Hello To All!

    welcome to the forum :)
  2. Rangers_Fureva


    Won't deny it, this game was amazing and addictive, spent countless hours playing it:cool:
  3. Rangers_Fureva

    What are you currently playing?

    Mercenaries 2. Its not that great but i love blowing shit up!:w00t
  4. Rangers_Fureva

    Morrisons selling PS3/XBOX360 chart titles for £25 this week only!

    Popped down tonight and bought Tiger Woods and Mercenaries, which i bought out my work yesterday for about £40 each. Needless to say i took them back and got a refund.:cool:
  5. Rangers_Fureva

    Hello from Italy!

  6. Rangers_Fureva

    PC or PS3, pes09

    Couldnt care less about patching anymore, its a pain in the arse for me as i like to get them perfect but never can :( Plus my pc's being shite and not playing cd's. PS3 for me :)
  7. Rangers_Fureva

    Playstation 3

    It's a pile of shite. I wasted my money on it a while ago and i barely use it because it sounds like a hairdryer.
  8. Rangers_Fureva

    Big Hello from Glasgow

    Welcome to the site mate.
  9. Rangers_Fureva

    What are you currently playing?

    Went and bought Mercenaries 2 today, been playing that for the pas 2 hours or so. The shooting/driving feels a bit weird but i suppose i'll have to get used to it.
  10. Rangers_Fureva

    What are you currently playing?

    Not playing it yet, but i bought the new Tiger Woods on eBay on Tuesday so looking forward to getting off COD and seeing if this is any better than 08. The bastards taking ages to send it though.:angry: Someones getting a bad feedback score!
  11. Rangers_Fureva

    Mercenaries 2: World in Flames

    I'll fail in your face.:smug:
  12. Rangers_Fureva

    Mercenaries 2: World in Flames

    Might get it as i'm getting a bit bored with COD online now. Never actually got to finish the first one either.:(
  13. Rangers_Fureva

    What up everyone..

    Welcome bud.
  14. Rangers_Fureva

    Hello from Greece!!

    Welcome to the site.
  15. Rangers_Fureva

    Hello from Vietnam!

    Welcome to the site mate.
  16. Rangers_Fureva

    Hi great forum!

    Welcome to the forum.
  17. Rangers_Fureva

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [PC/360/PS3]

    Anyone else joining up?:w00t
  18. Rangers_Fureva

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [PC/360/PS3]

    'Tis indeedy.
  19. Rangers_Fureva

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [PC/360/PS3]

    Clan is set up on Gamebattles. Join up and message me if you wana join :) Username's the same on there.
  20. Rangers_Fureva

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [PC/360/PS3]

    Sweet, team name anyone?
