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  1. S

    Dlc 2

    Date not announced yet.Mostly Mid-End November.
  2. S

    MLO: game doesnt add won points after match!

    Sorry.It didn't happen with me. my limit of 25k to be collected for continental league was reached so i had to move to Galactico league. maybe your problem was the same ?
  3. S

    MLO: game doesnt add won points after match!

    yes .It happened to me today as well.
  4. S

    Enquiry for Manual support players

    Yep I played 3-4 matches on Pass support 1 as well...First 3 matches I could figure out that the opponent were on pass support 1 as well but on the 4th match the opponents passing was too smooth and wasn't frictioned on one-touch passing and stuff ,which makes me believe that he was not on pass...
  5. S

    Enquiry for Manual support players Next time you go stepping over someone for no relevant reason,atleast make sure that you aren't talking out of your ass.
  6. S

    Enquiry for Manual support players

    Ok.what I want to know is that do you always and only get matched against players playing with pass support 1? if yes then the filters aren't broken.....
  7. S

    Enquiry for Manual support players

    Those people who play on Manual pass support 0 or 1 ......are you able to find opponents in ranked matches or MLOnline easily? I have been coming across many longball spammers to cheap forwards in last few days and maybe the time is ripe to switch to manual pass support 0 or 1. but I switched to...
  8. S

    11 vs 11 online beta quickly sign up for this closed 11 vs 11 online beta.Many of the issues that PES14 is currently seems to be facing on the PS3 are gone.
  9. S

    mlo question

    Did you get disconnected while a match-making took place? or did you change the league? This is how much he costs in each league : Association League: 401 Lega Catenaccio: 440 Continental League: 421 Galactico League: 451
  10. S

    few questions for those who have PES2014 on PS3

    Yep .Everything should happen by November. Lag does exist.
  11. S

    mlo question

    I answered on your other post.
  12. S

    mlo question

    did It just happen for 1 player? you have to go to your squad list and click on R2 button on the ps3 controller till you see your players value. I don't think what you said is possible...what was the players name that you bought and released?
  13. S

    New details emerged regarding the making of pes2014

    Yep .I am still playing video games for the sake of competitiveness of Online gaming....Konami have accepted that Online games lags/slows down and they claim to be fixing it up by the november patch. Also my games don't slow down as much as they used to 3 days back...
  14. S

    mlo question

    Go to your squad list and press R2 till players value appear next to your player.You can sell him for that many points.
  15. S

    mlo question

    Are you playing MLOnline on PES2014? then it should not happen! if you sign for 100 points and if you sell him off then you should recieve back 100 points.
  16. S

    New details emerged regarding the making of pes2014

    Dude you need serious help.
  17. S

    Through balls vs Defenders catching up

    Its also the heart feature that makes player react by responding quickly.I love PES14 as it is right now. All the noobs who spammed throughballs all the time on 3 bar pass support are mad that their cheap tactic is not effective
  18. S

    Info for online ps3

    They are working on it.its confirmed.They hope to get rid of the match slow down and lag by the next patch but for now everyone is facing this problems more or less.
  19. S

    Online Lag/Game Slow down

    dude play works perfectly no lag no stutter. Online should work the same...what makes me go crazy is that sometimes the online game works fine and smooth and in the second half and later on in the match the gameplay slows down.
