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Search results

  1. Cookie

    You were always my favourite Andy. :carlton:

    You were always my favourite Andy. :carlton:
  2. Cookie

    :lol: Nah I found a folder on my old hard drive with all the photoshop stuff I did on here back...

    :lol: Nah I found a folder on my old hard drive with all the photoshop stuff I did on here back in the day. Let's see if you're right... [IMG] Can't see why this idea didn't take off. :laugh:
  3. Cookie


  4. Cookie

    Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain [PC/PS4/One/PS3/360]

    Looks gorgeous. Apparently the PC it's running on has the same specs as a PS3, and the game's being made on the Fox Engine made by Kojima which was supposedly created for next-gen games.
  5. Cookie

    Propose a kit out of this emblem.

    Those Pakistani flood victims must be pretty stylish. It is rather impressive isn't it? If you haven't noticed, I chopped up the jabulani logo into sections and cleverly placed them on on the apparel to create a bold, yet stylish retro kit. I'm not sure what the PES kit creation tools are...
  6. Cookie

    Propose a kit out of this emblem.

    Thank me later.
  7. Cookie

    Batman: Arkham City [PS3/360/PC]

    The first was great, and it'll be interesting to see how they will incorporate the city environment. I just want to grapple to the top of the highest building and glide over the entire city.
  8. Cookie

    RDR Single-Player Discussion

    Was looking for those bloody beavers down by the river bank when a guy came up to me asking to save his wife. We galloped over to where the bandits had his wife hanging, and I disposed of them promptly whilst saving his wife. They both thank me as the man's wife jumps onto the back of his horse...
  9. Cookie

    RDR Single-Player Discussion

    Loving the game so far. I've just made it over to Mexico. A lot of little highlights along the way so far, one of being having a coyote running between my horses legs whilst I was aiming at it and ending up shooting my horse in the face whilst I was riding it. :huh:
  10. Cookie

    *You must spread some (negative) Reputation around before giving it to Guillermo again". The...

    *You must spread some (negative) Reputation around before giving it to Guillermo again". The fuck? It's been like 2 fuckin years since I last neg repped you. I might just book you instead since I notice I still have my Moderator status. :smug:
  11. Cookie

    Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    If I get a two bar connection I consider myself lucky. Even with my dismal connection, I beast with the Barret+Acog scope, mainly on small to medium size maps. Also, running up to someone whilst having the riot shield equipped and throwing a knife in their face = win.
  12. Cookie

    UFC 2009 Undisputed

    Still recovering after that K.O. :( I've given it some thought and I'm going to blame my poor performance on the excessive lag I was experiencing. ;)
  13. Cookie

    UFC 2009 Undisputed

    He sure was, he was also briefly in Oz if I remember correctly.
  14. Cookie

    PesGaming Group Therapy

    Damn, where's my crayons, I need to sketch a pic to accurately portray how I'm feeling right now. :realmad:
  15. Cookie

    UFC 2009 Undisputed

    I think I need to start fresh with the career as well. I was going fine beating low ranked guys, then I decided to take on a few of the big names and got destroyed by Lesnar and co. I beat Kongo later on, got a shot of the title, and won it by beating Andrei Arlovski with a flash K.O in the...
  16. Cookie

    UFC 2009 Undisputed

    I'm improving on my ground game quite a bit. Played a few matches online and was beaten in all 3 more or less by the lag, and in a game like this where timing is everything, even a small bit of lag can be the difference between knocking someone out or getting knocked out.
  17. Cookie

    UFC 2009 Undisputed

    Is there an Xtra-vision near you by any chance. Apparently they frequently break the release date, especially on titles that aren't too mainstream.
  18. Cookie


    Excellent. :shfty:
  19. Cookie


    Bring back the old shifty I say.
  20. Cookie

    UFC 2009 Undisputed

    Friday can't come soon enough. We should definitely do this. Hopefully the online play won't be a lagfest though.
