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Search results

  1. LFCPower

    Final Fantasy XIII

    I think the games class when you get into, am about 12 hours into it and findin it hard to stop playing, My mates got it on the 360 an to me it looks pure graphics wise to the ps3
  2. LFCPower

    UFC 2010 Undisputed

    More Info on The Game, UFC Fighters and Personalities: Navigate an unparalleled roster of more than 100 prolific UFC fighters, each fully rendered to convey a photorealistic appearance. Prominent UFC personalities, including the commentary team of Joe Rogan and Mike Goldberg, veteran voice of...
  3. LFCPower

    UFC 2010 Undisputed

    And on MMA They got Randy, up to now hes not on the new UFC game
  4. LFCPower

    Assassins Creed 2.5?

    Nice, there has to be some sort of follow up to the last one
  5. LFCPower

    Game of the Year 2009

    MW2 for me but Uncharted is not far behind
  6. LFCPower

    UFC 2010 Undisputed

    Cant wait for this one, KIMBO SLICE IS ON IT !!!
  7. LFCPower

    PES 2010 Update Out Thursday?

    Why cant they just fix these pens because mine keep going over the bar
  8. LFCPower

    DFL OF 2010 [EU Version]

    rapidshare links if poss mate
  9. LFCPower

    Champion ship kits made.

    try using rapidshare
  10. LFCPower

    Need Emblems PS3

    thanks mate
  11. LFCPower

    Need Emblems PS3

    If anyone could please help me all i need is the pictures to make the emblems on my own edit data. am doing this because if you use any other edit data you cant unlock trophies. cheers
  12. LFCPower

    --- LiamKenyon's//Option File v1.0//PES 2010 ---

    Cant wait for Vons but this do for now, great work mate
  13. LFCPower

    about player editing

    Stu your spot on mate, whats so hard about letting you edit players Nationality, its a joke that they dont allow this
  14. LFCPower

    Just an idea about the sponsors in the ML

    It is down to licensing, it would cost big bucks to get the likes of nike,adidas and so on. Great idea thou
  15. LFCPower

    Playstation 3

    Sony are a joke, whats the point in making this ugly skinny thing anyway
  16. LFCPower

    Playstation 3

    Metal Gear 1 ment to be hitting PS Store some time next year. Its a class game but already got it on one of my hardrives
  17. LFCPower

    You'll never walk alone in PES

    Fuck celtic, they robbed it off us anyway. It always good to hear YNWA but that means they have to add other songs to the game such as Z Cars for Everton.
  18. LFCPower

    Online play: Please bring back 2 people playing online from 1 console!

    If you cant play with a mate online then i will be playing Fifa online for anther year
  19. LFCPower

    Playstation 3

    I dont think at the min it has backwards compatibility, a mate of mine told me it will be an update in the near future
