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Search results

  1. KHAN257

    Pes2011 (ps3 v xbox360)

    anyone out there tried both versions ?????
  2. KHAN257

    Swap Wings (Strategy Buttons)

    yes you're right. Konami and Seabass have mislead us on the term "swap wing" it should be as u say "opposite wing attack". Shame on you Konami. actually Swapping wing should be in the game as a stragey button like the others and pes 6.
  3. KHAN257

    Swap Wings (Strategy Buttons)

    absolutely correct, well detailed ur answer, the only problem is when using position switch i.e. at high say 17/18, my full backs bomb forward into centre attack and even find themselves as SS, leaving me open at the back. is there anyway where u switch upfront with a solid line of back four...
  4. KHAN257

    Swap Wings (Strategy Buttons)

    when I use the Strategy Buttons offline and online in whatever formation and sliders etc the swap wings does not work. for example during a game i press Triangle (assigned for Swap wings) i want to move Ryan Giggs to the Right wing from the left and swap Nani to the Left wing from the right. But...
  5. KHAN257

    Pes2011 (ps3 v xbox360)

    anyone tried out both versions ?? which is better ?? any significant differences in terms of gameplay i.e. response times, graphics etc ??
  6. KHAN257

    Swap Wings (Stragey Buttons)

    when I use the Strategy Buttons offline and online in whatever formation and sliders etc the swap wings does not work. for example during a game i press Triangle (assigned for Swap wings) i want to move Ryan Giggs to the Right wing from the left and swap Nani to the Left wing from the right. But...
  7. KHAN257

    Swap Wings (stragey guide)

    has anyone worked out how to swap wing forwards during game ???
  8. KHAN257

    Swap Wings (stragey guide)

    13/14 on slider bar is occasional position change and has no effect on wing swaps. im sure the stragey buttons; triangle, x, o square are designed for during game change. ive even tried turning on formation change in "management edit" still no effect/change in stragey buttons during game...
  9. KHAN257

    Swap Wings (stragey guide)

    thanks maurice, but why then have the stragey buttons for swaping wings ? it looks obvious like that, as it has been in previous pes editions. also when u increase the slider from "position switch" to say 9 to 18 the wings do switch and back again but then also full backs move into...
  10. KHAN257

    Pro Evo worth buying?

    Spot On Mate well said, best most unpredicatable game on the market out of the two!
  11. KHAN257

    Swap Wings (stragey guide)

    when I use the Strategy Buttons offline and online in whatever formation and sliders etc the swap wings does not work. for example during a game i press Triangle (assigned for Swap wings) i want to move Ryan Giggs to the Right wing from the left amd swap Nani to the Left wing from the right. But...
  12. KHAN257

    W.E.N.B. Option File PS3 Released! (BLES-20)

    Seabass and Konami >>>>> are you watching ! just do it like Rainey >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone download it and pass the message on to the community, hopefully seabass and Konami will realise what EDITING IS in a few weeks.
  13. KHAN257

    W.E.N.B. Option File PS3 Released! (BLES-20)

    To Rainey, many thanks from all of us the PES Community !!! Any future OF version 5 ? if so what will it contain ? what u gonna be working on next ???????
  14. KHAN257

    W.E.N.B. Option File PS3 Released! (BLES-20)

    Hey Rainey, Are u gonna be doing correct formations too for most of the main teams or leagues ??
  15. KHAN257

    W.E.N.B. Option File PS3 Released! (BLES-20)

    can anyone tell me if u can play ONLINE with the teams from Bundesliga (version 3 of the option file). I can see the Bundesliga logo as i go ONLINE but when i go into the league (formely pes league) its still got the fake team names and badges. Why is this the case when u can play online...
  16. KHAN257

    W.E.N.B. Option File PS3 Released! (BLES-20)

    Hi Rainey, Online the bundesliga logo appears but when u go into select team from league, its back to the pesleague madeup ones. why is it doing this ? when u can play online with official kits and names from premier league.
  17. KHAN257

    (PS2-PES2010 UK-version) error_1205 OF v3.0

    Respect to u error, and just to let everyone know, error_1205 has the BEST! pes2010 option file for PS2! it really is that good. so i can start learning, error can u recommend and link certain tutorials for modding, patching and burning.
  18. KHAN257

    (PS2-PES2010 UK-version) error_1205 OF v3.0

    error_1205 .... im buying modded ps2. can u burn me a cop of pes2010 with boots balls, stadia etc. also a copy of pes 6 like on evoweb new interface etc etc. i will pay u.
  19. KHAN257

    (PS2-PES2010 UK-version) error_1205 OF v3.0

    cheers for info error_1205 after modded ps2, is it a case of then program and then burn onto dvd etc also is something on the way for ppl with unmodded ps2 regarding boots, balls etc
  20. KHAN257

    (PS2-PES2010 UK-version) error_1205 OF v3.0

    cheers error, ive dowloaded your OF4 with those subfolders for patches. does the actual OF4 have the balls included ? also im no techno buff, but do i need a modded ps2 for the patches ? all ive got is a 8mb memory card and max drive and unmodded ps2. also for balls, stadia, boots...
