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Search results

  1. P

    Pesjp patch 2013 version 2.00 next generation (11-16)

    do you have torrent files ? patch and addon chantservs
  2. P 2013 Patch 2.3 + Gamefront, Mediafire, Torrent Download Links

    pesjp pes2013 v2.0 + update v2.01 just released can u make torrent ?
  3. P

    Does the AI ever get red cards?

    so far i saw twice but dont remember when its happen ...
  4. P

    I score, they score, I score, they score.. WTH?? :(

    its cheat konami created for AI CPU ;) ...if u playing pes2013 pc version join us in other forum evo-web we all talked about gameplay using pes editor by wild and mix it up with gameplay by nesa / yair / jenkey
  5. P

    wish list for pes 2013

    1.GK need to improve in pes2013.. 2.all 2nd division for each leagues example epl ( npower champs ) , seria A ( seria B ) in master league mode stadium n HD turf ... 4.i dont want ai script cheating in pes2013 ... 5.more stuff in master league when i create new season master league i...
  6. P

    PESedit 2010 v3.5 Mediafire Link 100% WORKS
  7. P

    Scoreboard Selector

    this is my first ever work for pro evolution soccer 2011 i only collected the scoreboards and created the selector so easy to change scoreboard anytime Feature Log 1.0 1.10 different scoreboard 16:9 only 2.New radar/shoot/pass bar 3.Patch for no rada/shoot/pass bar Planning For...
  8. P

    [PC] PES 2011 - PES SMoKE Patch 3.0

    P.S.: Do not update the game after installing the patch......
  9. P

    How Many Games Do You Play Each Day?

    i must play pes2011 everyday .....about 2-4match in master league and playing TOP PLAYER ( use patch gameplay v1.07 ) to make gameplay more hard then top player yahhhhh awesome......
  10. P

    Gameplay Patch v1.05 by komu

    i try to patch but i got this!!! ---START PATCHING--- [OFFSET PATCH] loading file: C:\Program Files (x86)\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2011\pes2011.exe Filesize OK! CRC32 check skipped! Byte not found!File is already patched! nothing patched! ...done! ---PATCHING DONE--- its normal or...
  11. P

    PES 2011 PC Option File with Championship?

    i found championship option files ;) it work for me only pes united still inside the 2nd division of championship you need to have the pesedit patch 2010 v0.1 installed... enjoy and good luck
  12. P

    PES 2011 PC Option File with Championship?

    yeah EPL + coca cola champhionship its awesome ..just wait..somebody will make it for us
  13. P 2010 Patch - Version 4.0.1 #16/08/10 *The New Season*

    yeappp this is a best patch ever for pes2010 ;) nice great n awesome ;) i just start new season last nite .~~~~~~~~~~
  14. P

    SM PATCH (All Updates)

    i found dummy in stoke city and it make pes2010 error and need to be please fix the dummy long he still exist i cant play EPL in master league
  15. P

    who is your goalscorer

    my best goalsoccer now is adriano and drogba
  16. P

    play PES2011 via LAN PC TO PC

    if we have this feature i think it will be great and awesome ;) PLAY LAN ( OFFLINE MODE NO NEED INTERNET ) -we can play pes2011 via lan pc to pc ;) i like to beat my brother hahhahaha wat u all think about this? u like it or not hehehehe give some idea here
