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Search results

  1. petersmith5

    PES 2012 Demo Coming Wednesday!

    I think its far better if theres a learning curve, i want that edge of seat feeling like the old days of pes 6 and before. Its gotta be a challenge, i want to sit here kicking the ball, sticking my foot out, nodding my head when i put in a beautiful cross , i want to smell the pies!!!
  2. petersmith5

    PES 2012 Demo Coming Wednesday!

    PS3 Downloading PS3 Demo downloading nicely, just time to finish my pot of tea, thats bad news about the 360 demo, i would be doin my bollocks!!!
  3. petersmith5

    stadium create

    I dont think you will be able to create exact staduims, but it will be a nice toy for us to play with.
  4. petersmith5

    This video outlines the imrpovements in fifa 09

    I think we are the winners, they BOTH look like very good games this time, after pes 2008 totally let me down, i have played more FIFA this year than i normally would, hopefully this years i will be playing both equally.
  5. petersmith5

    the Patch... Did it work for you or not?

    Its still very poor online, and it seems to have sppeded up offline and has degraded graphics, its just a piss poor game this year. It just does not play like real football anymore, i used to be able to smell the grass!!....maybe there will be more patches, or my money back???
  6. petersmith5

    Lets ask Konami to give as a HDTV!!

    Once you get used to it, it plays a very good game of football, its even better online, ive played over 70 games online, loving it....i wish pro evo was as good this year, i dont even like the gameplay anymore, and this is a bloke that used to defend pro evo at all costs!!
  7. petersmith5

    Lets ask Konami to give as a HDTV!!

    I dont mind admitting i am enjoying FIFA 08, i wish i could say the same for what was once my beloved PRO EVO.
  8. petersmith5

    Lets ask Konami to give as a HDTV!!

    Makes no difference mate, ive got a spanky HD cinema sized screen with a HDMI cable as thick as the titanics anchor chains, its still crap!!!
  9. petersmith5

    Hands-On: FIFA 08 vs. PES 2008

    I hope the new FIFA is as good as the demo seems to promise, if it is then surely to goodness old Seabass will pull out all the stops for next year, i think there can only be one winner if FIFA is good this year, thats US the gamer, i would love to have 2 great footy games to put in my PS3, i...
  10. petersmith5

    Hands-On: FIFA 08 vs. PES 2008

    The PC version is current gen mate with the old engine, you need to try the ps3 or 360 version, they are the next gen versions, ive given the ps3 demo at least 6 hours of my time, i have to say as a die hard pro evo player for the last 7 years, i am VERY impressed, its superb, i just hope...
  11. petersmith5

    Fifa 08 (ps3) vs Pro 6 (PS2)

    i would urge you to at least hire the full game, give it a fair trial not just an hour, the controls take some getting used to, its a real challenging game of football, all this from a die hard pro evo the end of the day i want a decent hard faught game and sadly pro evo is not...
  12. petersmith5

    Fifa 08 (ps3) vs Pro 6 (PS2)

    You must be very good then, well done, that i would love to have seen, if it really happened.
  13. petersmith5

    Fifa 08 (ps3) vs Pro 6 (PS2)

    are you saying then that the pro evo ive been playing for years has a rwalistic pace??? total bollocks....ive always prefered pro evo cos fifa has been so crap, last years fifa was a warning, it still wasnt as good as pro evo but was an improvement, ive played computer footy games since the...
  14. petersmith5

    Fifa 08 (ps3) vs Pro 6 (PS2)

    Well guys, not sure if youve persevered with the FIFA demo or not but i have. There has been no bigger PRO EVO fan than me over the last few years but i have to say, given the fact that the fifa demo is very early build and nowhere near the finished verion, with practice, its absolutely superb...
  15. petersmith5

    [PES6] MyMy Mix v2.1FIX & OF Mil&Mik v4 (03/09/07) +MyMy Stadiums v1.1+Chants v1.1

    Which also begs the question, will some bright boffins out there get hold of the PS3 and create downloadable patches for PES 2008??? just like the PC people??? I have MYMY patches for my ps2, i cant use that disc in my ps3, i was just thinking that with the huge capabilities of the ps3, its...
  16. petersmith5

    PS3 option files

    The easiest way is with a ps2 to ps3 mem card adaptor, mine was a tenner, its dead easy, put your mem card in it and connect it to your ps3 with the usb cable that charges your controller, go into ps1/ps2 mem card utility and it will find your ps2 card, then select the copy option and choose...
  17. petersmith5

    [MULTI] Lennon Classic OF V6 - 142 CLASSIC TEAMS - OUT NOW!!

    BYE the way, the file works great with the mymy patches
  18. petersmith5

    [MULTI] Lennon Classic OF V6 - 142 CLASSIC TEAMS - OUT NOW!!

    Well done mate, stirling work once again, most of these teams are from my era, its like being 10 again, in my opinion those days wre the best for football, i am a big kid even at 50 yrs old, just one thing, i tried the ps3 file last time, it didnt work, its not a major prob as i can transfer the...
  19. petersmith5

    [MULTI] Lennon Classic OF V5 - 115 CLASSIC TEAMS+07/08 UPDATE - OUT NOW!!!

    I dont know how to send my o/f to you, ive tried sending my badges for leeds united but it dont work, if you send me your e mail in a private message i will e mail you the badges i have. I am 50 years old so i remember our kits going back to the 50`s and all the badges, i am also a leeds united...
