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Search results

  1. Abaddon


    Well it's been a long time since i've been on here so I thought i'd say hello to everyone. Don't know if i'll be on much but it's nice too see some old names again. How you all doing? :)
  2. Abaddon


    Hey, welcome aboard mate.
  3. Abaddon


    Little thumb up down arrows below your avatar and online status bar. Also, is there a way of seeing who gave rep?
  4. Abaddon


    Gnarly! Nice one Hitman.
  5. Abaddon

    Anyone getting PES:DS?

    Yeah probaly.
  6. Abaddon

    Crysis [PC]

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425"...
  7. Abaddon

    This Is Just Unbelievable

    Argh My Eyes!
  8. Abaddon

    My girlfriend had to comfort me......

    Ahh it's happen to the best of us mate. And my GF would just comfort from her.
  9. Abaddon

    Help Plz!!!!!!!

    u aft to get sum gud dude 2 do it 4 ya cuz no1 can round ere
  10. Abaddon

    Help Plz!!!!!!!

  11. Abaddon

    Nintendo Ds

    The Nintendo DS Thread :erm:
  12. Abaddon

    [OPEN] What Could Make This Site Better?

    How come I can't change the but under my username anymore?
  13. Abaddon

    The New PESGaming Homepage

    I think that is where the Elite Membership Banner is going too go but shoot me if i'm wrong Sir. And I will make sure Hitman responds to all your demands! :mellow:
  14. Abaddon

    The New PESGaming Homepage

    Why won't it remember me when I first open the page?
  15. Abaddon

    Normal Service Will Resume Shortly

    Good. I realy hate the new name but aslong as the site is running i'm not too botherd.
  16. Abaddon

    Another Fresh Look

    Like the multi-quote option.
  17. Abaddon

    Normal Service Will Resume Shortly

    Was blue theme and the red one always on Insight as I only noticed them a bit before Insight went down, or did you add them just before the change?
  18. Abaddon

    Normal Service Will Resume Shortly

    Everything works fine for me :) Also it's just the name I don't like. Everything else is dandy!
  19. Abaddon

    Normal Service Will Resume Shortly

    I found Insight by searching for Pes Forum, Not Pes Insight. My opinion on the change:...It's just not Insight!
  20. Abaddon

    Same every year!!!

    I agree with you Alf. I prefare PES because of the gameplay. I wouldnt care if every player had the same face TBH.
