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Search results

  1. Arala_bala

    Pro Evolution Soccer 5 - Joe Cole

    Very good, i really don't understand how someone can say it's "decent"...
  2. Arala_bala

    45 yard free kicks????

    doesn't work for me... he passes the ball when i press L1 and X
  3. Arala_bala

    Genghini : Huge volley

    Very very good!
  4. Arala_bala

    Adriano Phemon.

    Very nice goal, even better comments LOL
  5. Arala_bala

    Whats your biggest win so far..

    6-0 in 6 stars
  6. Arala_bala

    Everybody online always picks BRAZIL!! :(

    Go go go Newcastle!!!
  7. Arala_bala

    Backup and online

    I have a nocd crack to play without the dvd in the drive, but obviously you MUST have the original to play the game, online or offline! If you don't have it, go buy it, you can get it cheap on and it's worth it!!!! Very very good in deed! Greetings
  8. Arala_bala

    USB controller adaptor problems

    the only problem is that the analogue thumstick works like an D-Pad, so you can't get all form it, for example soft diagonals... It's not the same of having a Gamepad for PC with analogue stick! Cheers
  9. Arala_bala

    Larsson stunner!

    Great Goal m8!!! Congratulations
  10. Arala_bala

    Winning Eleven 9 Master League

    I use fernando patch V 4 and scorpio option file and i don't know if that maybe the cause of one problem... In a master league a have started, in the first negociation period, almost all of the players had salary's of 1 !!!!!!!. I was playing in 6 stars, and in my first season in the 2...
  11. Arala_bala

    [WE8LE] PLF Data patch - The way Konami shoud've Done it - RELEASED!!

    I have been trying this patch and it's very good indeed! Did't saw any missing or wrong data! Thanks a lot PLF, it's very good to play it this way. Hope we can use it on WE9, because it's almost there...
  12. Arala_bala

    Cantona : nice scissor-kick

    Good goal mate. The only crappy thing is your comment henryrules...
  13. Arala_bala

    Zidane half volley (Great goal)

    Que grande golo!!!! O zidane no Glorioso é que era... Força Benfica e parabens pelo golo!
  14. Arala_bala

    [WE8LE] PLF Data patch - The way Konami shoud've Done it - RELEASED!!

    I have same lame doubtes, i hope you guys can help me... 1- I dont really understand this: "... choose import file & selct PLF Data one , press open..." . The problem is that i don't have PLF Data one, i have PLFData.max and PLFData.xps, so what should i import???? I also have para_we8.bin...
  15. Arala_bala

    [WE8LE] Sunjun Mix Version DVD 1.0 we8le

    In my opinion, Sunjuns is the best one, and i have all the 3.... But that's only my opinion. Cheers
  16. Arala_bala

    [WE8LE] Sunjun Mix Version DVD 1.0 we8le

    Thanks a lot for the quick and super complete help mate! Cheers
  17. Arala_bala

    [WE8LE] Sunjun Mix Version DVD 1.0 we8le

    Can you guys help me out? I can't get Sunjun's 3rd Fix... Is there another link or torrent for that? Another thing, to apply the patch with ppfomatic, i use the sunjunmix 1.0 then the fix 2.0 and then the 3rd fix, or just sunjunmix1.0 and then the 3rd fix?? Thanks for your help! Cheers
  18. Arala_bala

    PES4 Reloaded by ge4ce

    No words to describe this one... Do yourself a favour, and send it to konami if you want to make some money an if you want them to sell even more!!! I don't have any doubt that this is the best intro that i have ever seen, official or non official!!!!!
  19. Arala_bala

    Nothing less than PERFECTION!!!

    Ist's a 14,5 goal in a 0 to 10 scale!!!! It isn't a 16 or 17 because it seems that geovanni shoots the ball and the leg of his teammate whithout any consequence. Ainda assim, o melhor golo que já vi neste fórum. Se não fosse aquele encavalitar do outro tipo, seria um pouco melhor, mas...
  20. Arala_bala

    Nothing less than PERFECTION!!!

    Ganda golo páh!!!! Sim senhor!
