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Search results

  1. SDAV89

    Hello all

    Welcome to the forum.
  2. SDAV89


    You can get this game on the iPad, not my kind of game, but looks pretty good graphics wise.
  3. SDAV89

    I ask for 3 main things as far as gameplay

    3 is a issue I believe will never be sorted it will always be like that.
  4. SDAV89

    Will you buy PES 2012?

    I will buy it just because I always have it's hard not to. Even though it's been shit the past few years I still buy the game.
  5. SDAV89

    Hi everybody !!!!

    welcome to the site matey.
  6. SDAV89


    welcome to the site matey :)
  7. SDAV89

    Hi guys

    welcome to the site nice to have you with us. :)
  8. SDAV89


    welcome to the site matey :)
  9. SDAV89

    PES newbie

    welcome to the site mate.. :)
  10. SDAV89

    Online Security Threat???

    and now please can i have your account number and sort code and that will be all thank you. :ninja:
  11. SDAV89

    Using fake/spoof award images in avatars/sigs

    may seem a little harsh but rules are rules, maybe you should pm the people who have them just to warn them because they may just not see this thread... just a though. :)
  12. SDAV89

    frustrated and p***** off

    i dont play this game online because of things such as this i just place with mates, but lets face facts here this is going to happen time and time again, yes it is sad but thats the way it is. :(
  13. SDAV89

    AC_Dillon say hello :)

    welcome to the site mate :)
  14. SDAV89


    hey matey welcome to the site. :)
  15. SDAV89

    I'm back :)

    that solved that one. next question.
  16. SDAV89

    Evening all!

    welcome to the site matey
  17. SDAV89

    How much do the licensing of clubs cost?

    agreed mate but is it funny to read :tongue:
  18. SDAV89


    welcome to the site :)
  19. SDAV89

    This is Fred!

    Brilliant mate just brilliant. :D
  20. SDAV89

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [PC/360/PS3]

    is anyone playing on the xbox 360 i would like a few games. i also have it for the ps3. ps3 gamertag is Turismo4 xbox 360 gamertag is scott dav add me if you will :)
