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Search results

  1. iphey

    [PSP]PES 2012 Option File by Arnoldzik1991

    could someone please upload it again? cause I try to download from the above link it says that the file is temporary available...
  2. iphey

    [All]Asia Cup 2007 (V2)

    good job matey.... are the appearance and stats of the players correct?
  3. iphey

    Kitsever...uni,,has ne1 got international and EPL kits.PC!!!

    I only have EPL kit 06/07.. do u want me to share?
  4. iphey

    Newbie from Holland

    :welcome2: and enjoy your stay..
  5. iphey

    wassup to everyone!

    welcome to the site mate..
  6. iphey

    Scoreboard Packs

    Is somebody here want to make a fool on us???:angry:
  7. iphey

    Hi fellow PES players

    Welcome :welcome2: haiv sam kukis
  8. iphey

    [PC & PS2] The Superb BOBOS Option File V1.3

    how about the winter transfers? have u done this in your OF?
  9. iphey

    The best Option File around?

    when will u release taht?
  10. iphey


    what a pathetic looser...:no:
  11. iphey

    Super Boot Pack (PC)

    hope this will help u.. First, u must have a game graphic studio installed on ur PC. Which u could download here:;6476049;;/ After u installed game graphic, open your dat folder where u installed PES 6. Then u'll find 0_text.afs, open it and search for file...
  12. iphey

    Hey Im Wardy

    Welcome aboard mate :happy:
  13. iphey

    Could somebody put my face in the game?

    maybe his twin brother..:w00t
  14. iphey

    post your line-up!! and compare!

    Internazionale Milan 4th Season Division 1 MY Internazionale Milan 4th Season Division 1 -----------------Cech----------------- -J. Zanetti------I. Cordoba----Chivu-----Mathieu- -----------------Cambiasoo----------------- -C. Ronaldo-------Kalstrom---------Reyes-...
  15. iphey

    Roberto Carlos Cracker

    hmm... not bad at all..
  16. iphey

    Master League Lineup Help

    Eboue is also good on defense and offense.. try him for your right back..
  17. iphey

    Multiple Option Files

    never... it's never work dude... just one OF... u can't use or change between OF at a same time..
  18. iphey

    Controlling three players

    sure you can...(but in your dream mate :laugh: )
  19. iphey


    Irasshaimase.... selamat datang....
  20. iphey

    Bootpack Makers Inc.

    awesome.... muad my mate... thank's for the bootpack.. i've received and installed into my PES6 and i do like the boots... again,thank's mate...i appreciate that.. Happy New Year and Idul Adha (maybe)... cheers muad....
