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Search results

  1. mumra

    Larson - Cheeky overhead volley

    I hold my hands up to ya ref, you're right, it definately shouldn't have been a goal... with hindsight. But at the time, for some reason the ref saw fit to allow it, hehehehee. Thing is, i know that they've 'fixed' this in later versions of the game. Still, its a nice goal though, right? You...
  2. mumra

    Owen - that's right son, hold your ground!

    hahahaaha, you're too kind, sir! Im 'ok', ive got my 'moments' but thats all they are, 'moments'. Im just grateful ive got 3memory cards in which to save goals on at will. Its unbelievably useful having 3cards cos if you're lazy like me, then you get a hell of a lot of leeway in...
  3. mumra

    Jenas - beautiful goal to watch

    hehee, i agree that the PES versions of goals always seem to have 'superman swerves' on the shots, but im an ardent Winning Eleven player. I pretty much only play the Jap version of the game and im quite sure all of my goals are non-PES ones. :D
  4. mumra

    Owen - that's right son, hold your ground!

    yeah, just the design of the site (i know its not 'all that'). That and the ridiculous 'mumra' life story that emerged as testimony to my insanity when i dont sleep. Hehee. Still, im very grateful that there are some that (still) like the site. Don't worry, i am still in the process of...
  5. mumra

    Gardner - lob from never-never-land

    you ever get those games where you're behind in a match and you're frustrated that your build-ups arent going your way? its at times like that, like when there's injury time to go, that i start hitting'n'hoping. the ball dropped to my feet, i thought 'f*ck it why not' and made that shot bar...
  6. mumra

    Klose - now you see you don't

    cheers mate. Though after seeing my original post i must stressfully point out that the 'apollogy' is not a self-righteous ego thingy. Its genuine, because i pulled that goal off against a mate of mine and he knew beforehand that i was gonna put it on the forum. :)
  7. mumra

    Larson - Cheeky overhead volley

    lol, i agree with you fully. But what makes this goal all the more sweet for me, is that i scored it against my mate. Just the joy of knowing that someone was there with you to witness the crazyness. Seriously, you should have seen the look on his poor face. If i remember correctly, he acutally...
  8. mumra

    Crespo straight from kick-off

    If memory serves, I think I won 3-1 in the end. He really got me pissed with that opener. :D
  9. mumra

    Chiesa - spot the ball...

    thanks Thanks for the reply. Im glad you liked the site. Admittedly it was a rushed job. I did it all in a 1-nighter (last night) and slowly im discovering all the mistakes a made, lol. ;)
  10. mumra

    Chiesa - spot the ball...

    Chiesa, one of my favourite buys in Master League mode - decides to give the defence the runnaround then shoot through all of them and find the net. Sweet.
  11. mumra

    Chiesa - inch perfect

    It's that man Chiesa again. Always out to impress. free kick that manages to elude the tallest player in the wall then find its way in the tightest space between keeper and goal
  12. mumra

    Klose - now you see you don't

    This really is me when im being cheeky and insulting to the opposition. Im sorry.
  13. mumra

    Gardner - lob from never-never-land Crazy lob that was so far out i couldn't even get the full thing in the replay!! It was hard deciding the best angle for this replay.
  14. mumra

    Master League Growth Player

    damn, you're right! ahh, man you're right!!! I hate it when i type-o. Well, i guess i shouldn't expect any less giving that i did the entire site last night in one long-arse-session. It was like, 3.23am and I just knew that if i stopped it'd never get finished. So i perservered and by...
  15. mumra

    Owen - that's right son, hold your ground!

    thx Baz Cheerz Baz, believe it or not, i constructed my whole entire site (design only, not the flash movies) from start to finish in one night. Last night. And im in work now paying for the consequences for having almost no sleep. LOL. thanks for the reply, you're my one of my first...
  16. mumra

    Whitmore - Surely this cannot be a goal ?!?!

    Well, if you've witnessed the "Crespo" half-way goal my mate did against me. I'll let you know that Ive many a goal against him that p*ssed him right-off. This is one of 'em. (one of many, heheheee)
  17. mumra

    Crespo straight from kick-off

    my mate did this to me... with friends like these, who needs enemies, eh? Suffice to say, I won the match, but its little consolation. observe
  18. mumra

    Larson - Cheeky overhead volley

    I think this is by far my most 'unique' goal. Larson takes his penalty kick. Dissapointingly, It hits the bar only for Larson to come up with an inventive finish. Larson's goal
  19. mumra

    Master League Growth Player

    Years of nuturing and rearing and you can produce some half-decent players
  20. mumra

    Owen - that's right son, hold your ground!

    "brush those pesky defenders off you"
